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I sat in my cage, the bars rubbing painfully against my back. Mi-cha, angry with me for using my claws on her as soon as she was close enough, had given me extra special treatment in the form of a collar around my neck, firmly attached to the back of the cage by a three inch chain. My arms stretched up at an angle, hands dangling from the restraints that held my wrists, one in each corner. 

I couldn't move, except for small adjustments in the position of my legs. The cage was tall enough for me to be able to sit up straight, but small enough that I had to sit cross-legged. My muscles screamed in pain from inactivity, but every cramp and spasm in my muscles were worth it whenever I saw the angry red gashes my claws had left across Mi-cha's cheek.

Extending from cheekbone to jawline, they were prominently visible. And I had immense satisfaction from the sight of them every time I saw her.

After chaining me to my cage, she spent an entire hour filing my claws down while she spat profanities at me. She lost the fight with Sehun about pulling my claws out with a pair of pliers, and she was even angrier over that.

It hadn't taken long to realize that Mi-cha liked to torture the hybrids with her various toys. Sehun wouldn't let her mark me in any way though. He figured they'd get a pretty penny for me from his special buyers and he could jack up the price if I was still in pristine condition.

Mi-cha found other ways to take it out on me though. She forgot to feed me or give me water, even though we were already only fed every other day. She'd dump ice water over me and then laugh while I sat shivering, or she'd pull my tail through the bars and twist it into a knot so I couldn't pull it back in. She learned really quickly that I couldn't take it if she punished one of the others in my place, especially if it was Farrah, the older fox hybrid in the cage next to me.

Poor Farrah took my punishment often, but never complained. It was horrible to watch and I owed her so much already, so I tried to stop challenging Mi-cha.

I had been stripped of my clothing on the first day, just as the others had been, and my things thrown on top of the cage they were going to put me in. While Sehun and Mi-cha took photos of me to send out to entice possible buyers, Farrah noticed my tag on its slim gold chain hanging through the bars of the cage.

Hours later, when our captors had gone, I sat chained to my cage crying. Farrah slipped her fingers through the bars and fixed my tag securely against the side near the corner of my tiny prison, where it would likely go unnoticed by either Mi-cha or Sehun.

"I hope it brings you some comfort, sweetheart," whispered Farrah, from the cage next to mine.

And it did.

I kept my eyes glued to that tag and remembered the good times when Jimin had first brought me home. I clung to those memories as an escape from this nightmare. I missed him. I wished I was back in the apartment with him, even if it meant watching him love someone else.

Eventually, I lost track of time as one day ran endlessly into the next.

Mi-cha and Sehun spent hours on the phone in the back room, calling from long lists of various people that wanted to purchase hybrids for illegal purposes.

How could there be that many people like that?

Looking around at all the hybrids in the same predicament as me, I wondered what would happen to us.

Finally, one afternoon Mi-cha came out rubbing her hands together, in a good mood for once. "Oh happy day, hybrids, happy day. In the morning, we'll start seeing people flow through here to do a little pre-shopping for the auction scheduled at the end of the week. Today, you will be scrubbed clean and made presentable. Tomorrow, each one of you in turn will take center stage. You will be fully examined and possibly even given a trial run."

As she made her little speech, she hung a variety of restraints from the hooks on the wooden post in the middle of the room. I was suddenly under no illusions as to what it was used for. Obviously, not a coat rack at all.

While she set up other equipment meant to keep us bound and in control, Sehun hauled the first girl, a poodle hybrid, out of her cage and pushed her through the door in the back wall. She came back twenty minutes later, her skin scrubbed clean. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes downcast; it didn't take a genius to guess what else had happened in the back.

"I expect you all to be on your best behavior. If you're not, I promise you there will be hell to pay."

Mi-cha sang happily as she scooped mushy food into bowls and dumped dirty water from a bucket into containers. Leaning down to put my bowls on the floor in front of me, she looked into my eyes and smirked. She knew I couldn't reach them. Instead of taking my restraints off so I could eat and drink, she moved on, chuckling like a maniac. 


I was parched. It didn't even do any good to try to lick my lips; my mouth was as dry as a desert. At this point, I was so dehydrated I didn't have the energy to fight Mi-cha anyway. I laid my head against the bars behind me and let my eyes roll back as I closed them. I almost wished for her to dump some cold water over me now. At least then, I could lick it from my skin.

"Mi-cha," I said, my voice croaking. She turned from the menial task she was performing, raising her eyebrows at me. "Doesn't it bother you at all what Sehun is doing in the back while you're out here slaving away, doing all the real work?"

She frowned at me before looking toward the poodle hybrid and then the back room where Sehun had taken a little cat hybrid. Shaking her head, she said, "He's just being very thorough in prepping everyone perfectly for the buyers."

She smirked in my direction, "Don't worry, pussy. He won't be too tired when it's your turn."

I held her gaze, it being the only thing I could do, as I predicted, "Before this is over, you'll get what's coming to you."

She grinned at me sadistically, "Oh, I'm counting on it. What I've got coming to me is a lot of money for putting up with all you hybrid freaks. You need to start worrying more about what's coming to you, pussycat. Sehun got in touch with some hardcore freaks, especially for you. Pretty soon, all you'll be is everyone's favorite place to stick their cocks. I always said you were nothing but a whore."

She went into the back room and, after screaming at Sehun for doing exactly what I implied he was doing, she came back out carrying a heavy bucket. I swallowed as much water as I could as she poured the ice-cold liquid over my head. Chuckling in satisfaction, I started to feel somewhat replenished again.

Mi-cha was so very predictable.

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