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A dog! Really? A fucking dog!

He didn't even warn me!

I anxiously paced back and forth across the room. Through the closed bedroom door, I could still hear the pandemonium of yelling and barking coming from down the hall. I didn't know the dog boy or the one that came in shouting, but I was pretty sure I hadn't made a very good impression on either one of them.

I didn't even know why I'd reacted to the dog the way I had. It was so little... tiny even. Me being afraid of it would simply be ridiculous. I wasn't afraid of it; I just didn't like it, but I wasn't sure why. It was just an instinct.

I stopped at the window and looked outside. I wished there was a balcony here. I wanted to escape to the roof, but I wasn't taking the chance that little dog would hear me and go crazy again.

I turned around to pace back and forth again when there was a soft knock on the door. I stopped in my tracks and waited, not sure I wanted to open the door. I figured if I did, I would either be attacked by a dog or get yelled at. Neither option sounded fun to me.

The knock repeated, just before the door inched open and Yoongi's face appeared in the crack.

"Is it okay if I come in?" he asked. "I'm alone."

I nodded and he came the rest of the way in and closed the door.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he raised his eyebrows at me. "Well, that was a mess, huh?"

I nodded again and went to sit next to him, laying my head against his shoulder.

"I was caught off guard," I gave him the only excuse I could come up with.

"So if you'd known Yeontan was here you would have reacted differently?"

I thought about that for a moment.

"No. Probably not," I admitted. "Suga, it's a dog. Why didn't Jimin anticipate that being a problem?"

"I don't know," he said, shrugging his thin shoulders. "But we have to come up with a solution since you both now live here." He was quiet for a moment, letting that sink in.

We both now live here.

I live here with a dog.

Of course, there were dogs in the facility, but I'd never rubbed shoulders with one, so to speak.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Since I wasn't really keen on spending all day, every day stuck in this room, I knew I was going to have to be the one to compromise.

"How about you try to get to know Yeotan?"

My eyes widened and I felt my tail bristle again. Yoongi must have realized that some of my responses were out of my control, because he backtracked a bit and soothingly stroked my hair. 

"Let me show you some pictures of him, so you can see how sweet he usually is," he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through his pictures.

We sat for a few minutes looking at one picture after another of the little dog playing with or cuddling each of the various members.

I mean, I guess he's pretty cute. He always looks like he's smiling; that's kind of adorable.  

"What do you think of me bringing him in here? I'll hold him the entire time. I won't let him down."

"He's going to try to eat me again," I predicted.

Yoongi chuckled, while shaking his head at me. "He wasn't trying to eat you. He was trying to say hello."

I looked at him incredulously, but nodded my assent anyway. He went out briefly and came back in, holding the tiny little beast on one side and a box of treats on the other. And true to his word, he never let go of Yeontan until I was ready for him to do so.

By the time Jimin came in an hour later, I was sitting on the floor next to Yoongi, with Yeontan lying calmly in my lap. He sat down beside us and scratched behind my ear, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Yoongi," he said, the appreciation evident in his voice. "It never even crossed my mind about dogs and cats."


The city lights flashed by, blurring together from the car's high rate of speed. It amazed me that only a couple weeks ago I was terrified by the car ride home with Jimin, and now it didn't bother me even a little that Hobi was flying down the street, swerving around the few cars that were on the road. How quickly things changed.

Jimin was still home in bed. Last night, Yeontan had spent the rest of the evening in our room with us and now Jimin was recovering from a crippling allergy attack.

He had been up most of the night with itchy, swollen eyes, and his nose never stopped dripping for even a minute.

When Hobi tried to wake us up early this morning, Jimin just groaned and rolled over.

"I guess we're not going to the practice room today," Poppy tiredly told me.

I could see in her face she was glad that she would get to sleep in for once.

But once I discovered Jimin wouldn't be going, I realized I would get to spend time with her alone if I could get her to go. So I pressed the issue, "C'mon, Poppy. I have some new ideas. We could get a really good jump on learning everything."

"Uh uh," she answered, burying herself under the covers.

"I promise we'll keep it short."

I could tell her resolve was weakening when I teasingly tugged on her ankle. So I played my trump card, "We could surprise Jimin."

I knew she would do anything to make Jimin happy.

She looked at me from under the blanket, so I flashed her my brightest smile. I am not above using my reputation for being sweet to get my way sometimes. It turned out this was one of those times. 

"Fine," she muttered, sitting up and glaring at me. "Give me five minutes to change."

"Shhh," I shushed her, pointing at the sleeping Jimin. I didn't want him to wake up and ask her to stay home with him.

Ten minutes later, we slipped quietly out of the apartment and drove away into the predawn darkness.

As we waited for the green light at the corner, I draped my arm across her shoulders and reached up to softly scratch behind her ear. She sleepily nuzzled her cheek against my arm before settling more comfortably into her seat and turning her head to look out the window.

As I drove toward Big Hit, I watched Poppy out the corner of my eye as her head nodded forward, her eyes slowly closing in slumber.

Thinking I knew how Jimin felt about her, I wondered if she shared those feelings for him. Being a hybrid, was she even capable of that level of emotion?

My conscience pricked me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I had been a little underhanded trying to get her to myself for the next few hours, but I smiled anyway, pushing away any guilt I might have felt about it for now.

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