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It was late afternoon and people, mostly men, although not all, had been coming through the back door regularly since just before noon. I realized just how wrong I had been that first day when I had complained to Jimin about feeling like inventory. Having a number, instead of a name, didn't make you inventory; being on display while shoppers milled about looking to make a purchase, did.

An older woman, claiming over and over to need a handyman around the house to help with the big jobs, paid an inordinate amount of attention to the private parts of the two male hybrids she examined. Apparently it mattered less how much hard labor they could do than how quickly she could get them hard.   

Females endured having their body parts poked and stroked, discussed and compared. Whose tits were perkier? Which vagina was prettier? Whose face would look better on camera in the midst of an orgasm? The men felt no remorse for putting hands on them to find out the answers first hand.

One after another, hybrids were taken out of their cages and brought to the center of the room, some of them multiple times. Restrained and bound to the post, they were physically examined in the most intimate ways. Their fearful faces as they were forced to do shameful acts in front of anyone who cared to watch drove my hatred for Mi-cha and Sehun even deeper. 

I heard a familiar chuckle across the room and frowned as I saw Mi-cha in the corner, nudging Sehun. They were making jokes over the discomfort of the girls surrounded by men in the center of the room. As the people close to them laughed along, I wanted to do something, but all I could do was glare at them. I put all my hatred into that glare though—until Sehun looked my way.

He stared at me, licking his lips. Out of nowhere, I had the same violated feeling I'd had when he had gotten me ready for today. Mating between hybrids during heat was a purely functional chore. No one had ever put their hands on me in an intimate way, except for Jimin—until yesterday.

There wasn't an inch of my body that Sehun's disgusting hands hadn't impinged upon. Even though he had worn another part of himself out on other hybrids earlier in the day, he still let his fingers roam freely—pinching here, slipping there, defiling me in general.

It was all I could do to not look away from his unsettling gaze, but I lifted my chin in contempt and somehow managed to keep my eyes rebelliously locked with his.

He leaned closer to Mi-cha, whispering in her ear. She looked my way and I could easily see that she was not happy with my defiant attitude. We were meant to be meek and submissive by now.

Her mouth set in a straight line, she stalked my way.

"So you're a greedy kitty that wants to watch the proceedings, instead of keeping your eyes lowered submissively? I'll make sure youcan'tlook down then," she said as she tightened my collar even tighter than it already was, making it difficult to breath.

Bending over, she smirked in my direction. "I know you're eager to join in the fun, pretty kitty, but you're just going to have to wait until tomorrow when the special buyers come. You think it's bad for these girls? Just you wait."  

Pretty kitty.

That was what Jimin called me—when he used to love me.

I swore I'd never cry in front of this woman, but as hard as I tried to hold them in, tears gathered in my eyes.

A couple sidled up next to Mi-cha, the woman bending down to get a better look at me. "Oh look, Chester. Pink hair!"

The man squatted, grinning at me as if I were a willing participant in this illegal enterprise.

"Do you think her hair is the same color everywhere?" he murmured suggestively to the woman.

He looked me over, trying to get a glimpse between my legs. I pressed them together as tightly as I could in such small confines. Even though I had never been ashamed of my body, I had also never been the object of such personal scrutiny.

The woman chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know, but with those rosy colored nipples I wouldn't be surprised. I'm interested in her, Chester. She looks feisty. Just look at the way she's glaring at you. It would be fun to break her. Make her spread her legs so we can take a look."

"Come on, give us a look at the pussy's pussy," he coaxed when I didn't move.

I felt dirty, and angry, and without thinking I leaned as far forward as I could, hissing loudly at him.

Mi-cha immediately reached behind me and jerked the slack out of the chain, fastening my collar directly to the bars of the cage. My chest heaved in indignation, much to the delight of the couple in front of my cage. Their disgusting comments about my breasts drew others to the front of my cage and soon there was a small crowd urging Mi-cha to bring me out of my cage so they could get an up-close look at me.

"How much is she? We'll take her at any cost," Chester's companion quickly tried to negotiate with Mi-cha when she saw the others' interest.

"I'm sorry, folks. This one is not for general sale," Sehun sauntered over and said. "If you want to be put on the short list for her sale, step into my office and we'll see if you qualify. Her buyers are scheduled to come tomorrow morning. If you'd like to return then, you can test drive her and see if she fits your needs."

There was a low groan from the crowd, and I saw more than just Chester head to the back with Sehun.

"Oooh, even more fun for you," Mi-cha gleefully said. "You know, I can't remember ever looking forward to something so much as I do tomorrow."

"What did I ever do to you? What did any of us ever do to you?"

She looked at me pensively for a few seconds before she shrugged and answered softly, "You exist."

I knew she was off balance before, but I hadn't realized the extent of it in the beginning. No hybrid had insulted or hurt her in the past; we were just different from her. That was all.

As Mi-cha walked away, Farrah put her fingers through the bars, gripping mine in support.

"There's no changing people as damaged as her," she whispered. "We're on our own here, Poppy. No one is coming to save us."

"I know," I said, realizing the brutal truth of it. "Our only hope is to save ourselves."

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