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Valeria let me out in front of the apartment building after we dropped Hae off at the little house where she lived with her mother and sister. It had been a good day, following a very bad week.

After getting advice from the girls, I knew I needed to talk to Jimin. He was going to have to talk to me tonight, whether he wanted to or not, even if I had to force the issue.

"Bye, Val," I called, waving as she drove away.

Noticing the sky was already darkening, I checked my watch as I hurried inside to the elevator.

After eight already... I hope he's in a better mood than he's been lately.

I made a mental list of the things we needed to work out between us as I rode the elevator up to the penthouse.

Once inside, I headed straight to the bedroom, even though both Yoongi and Hobi tried to get my attention as I went through the living room.

"Not right now, guys," I waved them off. "I have to talk to Jimin."

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Yoongi bolt out of his seat and I heard him coming after me down the hall.

Just as I placed my hand on the knob to open the door, he called, "Hey, he's not here. He left ten minutes ago."

"Where did he go? It's Monday," I said, swinging the door open. "Was he going to the pub on a weeknight? That's not like him."

Still facing Yoongi, I backed into the room, saying, "Is he actually going to this extreme to avoid me? Does he think he has to physically leave the apartment?"

I saw the change in Yoongi's face as he followed me into the room, his eyes going wide and his mouth dropping open. I turned around, curious what would make him react like that.

The room was destroyed.

"What the hell happened here?" I gasped, reaching out for Yoongi's hand.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I have no idea," he murmured as we both looked at the destruction before us.

Lamps lay broken on the floor; giant holes were cut out of the wall; furniture was splintered and piled up like firewood.

Hobi popped his head into the room and started to say something, "Tiger, Jimin put all your..."

"Whoa!" he interrupted himself and came the rest of the way into the room, "What happened here?"

The three of us just stood there staring, not knowing what else to do.


I got to the bar early, knowing I'd need a few drinks to settle my nerves before Mi-cha arrived. I sat in the corner at the back of the bar, finishing my third Fireball and cream soda, looking with disgust around the seedy establishment she had chosen.

The floor was filthy, as was the table where I sat. It was no surprise they kept it so dark in here. They didn't want people to notice the little critters skittering across their shoes.

The patrons fit right in with the Quentin Tarantino aesthetics of the place too. My eyes never left the three lowlifes at the end of the bar, all hitting on the same prostitute. Didn't they understand all they had to do was open their wallets? Chuckling, I nonetheless stayed alert for the obligatory knife fight.

I glanced at my watch for the tenth time within just a few minutes. She was late... only five minutes or so, but I was already on edge despite the alcohol. If she didn't show up by 10:30, I was out of here. I absentmindedly scratched at the back of my neck. This place gave me the creeps; I swear I could feel things crawling on me.

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