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They finally let me into Poppy's hospital room and I stood next to her bed looking over her injuries as she slept. One eye was swelled shut, with a large bruise covering most of that side of her face. Around her throat were the black and blue finger marks of the monster that had almost killed her. She had two broken fingers and a couple of broken ribs—but she was alive.

She's still alive, my prayer of thanks flew to the heavens.

I slowly sank into the chair next to her bed, tears slipping down my cheeks as I realized how close we came to losing her forever.

"She's gonna be okay, you know? She's one of the strongest beings I ever knew."

I looked up into the face of the older hybrid in the next bed. She was severely malnourished, her cheekbones and clavicle protruding sharply. I wanted to go to the cafeteria and bring back armloads of cheeseburgers and candy bars for her to eat. She was going to need a few months of calorie loading just to get back to a normal weight.

"I'm Farrah. I was in the cage next to hers."

My heart clenched at the thought of Poppy being stuck in a tiny cage for all these long weeks.

"She's brave, you know? She saved us. She was the only one that refused to bow down in fear of Mi-cha," the fox hybrid continued with a shy smile. She grinned when I was rewarded with a purr as I stroked Poppy's hair, something that I knew she loved. "They've given her a sedative; she'll probably sleep through the night."

I nodded; the nurse had filled me in on the details.

"Farrah? I remember the police saying your name," I said, smiling warmly at her. "From what I hear, you saved Poppy."

"I did the only thing I could do, that's all," she grinned.

When we ran into Hwan last night in the bar, he dropped the bomb on us that Poppy's tag had a location chip in it, making it possible to find her as long as she still had it with her.

Early this morning, the police were able to find the coordinates of where her tag was located and they raided the building, finding cages full of missing hybrids from all over the city, effectively solving a case they had been struggling to close for over a year.

When they busted through the front door they also found Mi-cha on the floor, groaning and semi-conscious. Poppy was across the room pinned underneath Sehun, a syringe sticking straight up from the back of his thigh. They were both unconscious.

Jimin, Hoseok, and I impatiently waited across the street while the police sorted things out and emergency medical teams were called in to care for the emaciated hybrids.

Hobi held onto Jimin as Mi-cha and Sehun were brought out in handcuffs, thinking he would do something stupid, but he just glared in her direction and mumbled,  "I hope they put her away and never let her out. She deserves to rot in hell."

I couldn't disagree with his sentiments.

Upon getting information from the most talkative hybrids that buyers were due shortly and that the big auction was scheduled for the next day, the police quickly cleared everyone out of the building. Making the place look as normal as possible, the police planned to take into custody everyone who came looking to do business with Mi-cha and Sehun.

They didn't let us see Poppy before they loaded her into the ambulance; all they told us was that she was injured, but alive. We followed the ambulance to the hospital and sat in the waiting room for hours, anxious to be able to see her.

"What do you think she'll say to me?" Jimin asked quietly, nervousness evident in his worried eyes. "Do you think she'll ever forgive me for all of this?"

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