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I had seen the cover of the magazine and I knew the kind of storm that would follow that. I tried to call Poppy several times, but she never answered. I was worried at first, but I also knew how busy the members were and it wouldn't have surprised me if Jimin was keeping Poppy close, taking her along everywhere he went.

However, when I later saw that Jimin was dating someone else, Mi-cha's daughter of all people, I knew that things had gone seriously sideways.

I kept trying to get in touch with Poppy, but she still wouldn't pick up. So when two weeks went by and I suddenly got a call from Hoseok asking me to come, I knew something was wrong.

I got to the apartment within an hour and when I saw Poppy on the floor of the dining room I wanted to cry. How could Hobi have waited so long to call me? Gone was the spirited, bright-eyed young girl, who was on the verge of bursting out of the shell the hybrid facility had inflicted on her.

Poppy had lost at least ten pounds from her already slender frame. She needed a shower and a hair wash, and I was sure she wasn't sleeping, if the dark circles under her sad eyes were anything to go by.

"Poppy?" I said, almost in a whisper, afraid anything louder would somehow break her. I wanted to get her attention, but I didn't want to spook her. I was afraid of the pale ghostlike look on her face.

What if she mentally didn't come back from this?

I moved in front of her, sitting cross-legged. Clasping her hands in mine, I decided to just sit quietly with her, hoping she would eventually focus on me.

An hour went by... and then two. I watched the sun creep across the wall before it finally dipped below the skyline of the buildings outside the window.

I silently shook my head at Hobi and Jungkook as they peered into the dining room. However, when I looked back at Poppy, her eyes had settled on my face. She stared at me for a few minutes before I noticed one lone tear slipping down her cheek.

"You were wrong, Hae," she said, in a voice so small I barely heard it.

"Was I?" I asked softly. I'm sure I was wrong about a lot of things, but I wasn't sure what she was referring to.

"I don't have the right to love anyone," she murmured. "I am just a pet; just like Hwan always told me I was."

I didn't even know what had happened between them, but at that moment I could have easily killed Jimin. He could have softened the blow at least a little bit. She was so innocent, so inexperienced in relationships. I reached out to hug her and she fell into my arms. The floodgates opened and she sobbed, her head against my shoulder.

I whispered, "No, you're not just a pet, love. You're so much more than that to so many people. I promise."

As I held her, I felt my phone vibrate. Carefully wiggling it from my back pocket, I read the most recent text.

Yoongi: ~She can have my room for the night. I'll bunk with Hobi~

With a little help, I got Poppy settled in Yoongi's room. Jin brought two delicious bowls of bipimbap and I was able to coax her to eat a little bit of food. Hobi brought me a pair of her flannel pajamas and I was suddenly thankful that, in my matchmaking exuberance, I had not bought only sexy little outfits for her, but also some comfy things as well.  I helped her get cleaned up and wash her hair, and then settled her into bed.

"Please don't leave me," she begged when I started getting ready to go.

I hesitated, knowing that I would be taking a big risk with management if I spent the night in the boy's apartment, even if it was with Poppy. I climbed in beside her anyway, deciding to stay just until she fell asleep. She snuggled into my side and wrapped her arms around me. 

She was quiet for a while and, as my own eyes grew heavy, I thought she had fallen asleep.

"Why am I still here, Hae?" Poppy asked, her quiet question startling me awake. "Why didn't he send me away if he doesn't want me anymore?"

I sighed, "Oh Poppy, boys are fickle beings. Just when you think they only have eyes for you... wham!  Suddenly, you're not even on their radar anymore. But then, when you think they don't notice you at all, they suddenly do."

"How do you ever trust in their feelings then?"

"You don't," I said, knowing she'd never understand all the nuances of emotional and physical love. "Only time proves a man's feelings. Never let yourself fall too fast; that's a fast track to heartache."

"Poppy, I know you're aching to be loved, because you've never had that before. Just give it time. Jimin isn't the only fish in the sea," I continued to lecture her. "He wasn't even the only one with feelings for you. From what I hear, Hobi's already made it clear he liked you. I also see something close to affection for you from Yoongi. He wouldn't give up his bed so easily if he weren't fond of you. And I know you don't believe this right now, but there will be others... so many others."

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly for a moment, before shaking her head and saying, "But I don't want others; I just want him."


It was still dark, and I stood outside Yoongi's bedroom door debating whether or not to actually try to wake Poppy up this early. I'd seen her lousy morning mood before; it wasn't pretty.

Taking a deep breath, I cracked the door open and was surprised to see Poppy sitting on the edge of the bed, already awake. I knew that Hae had stayed late into the night with her; I had heard her slipping out of the apartment only a couple of hours ago.

"Why are you awake?" I asked, realizing it was a dumb question, considering I was here to wake her up anyway.

"I've been waking up this early for days now, hoping Jimin would come get me to go to the practice room," she said, shrugging as she continued. "Of course, he never does, so eventually I go back to sleep, but just in case..."

Spending time with Hae must have been helpful because Poppy was at least lucid and behaving normally again. She may have temporarily lost her sparkle, but at least now she looked like maybe she'd eventually bounce back.

She grinned at me, looking a little embarrassed at being caught sitting and waiting for something that was never going to happen, but I was happy to see her again, even if it hadn't been me she was waiting for.

"I'm not Jimin, but would you want to go dance with me?" I asked, holding out my hand to her. Excitement coursed through me when she eagerly hopped off the bed and put her hand in mine. Maybe all hope was not lost.

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