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"Don't bother looking for her though. She's not there anymore," Hobi said, stopping us in our tracks. "She's already gone to a new home."

Hae stopped pushing me toward the door and turned on Hobi. If I hadn't held onto her, I think she would have done physical harm to him.

"What the hell do you mean, she's already gone to a new home?" she shouted at him.

She's gone?

She's gone.

She. Is. Gone.

My mind kept repeating that fact over and over.

I just stood there, holding Hae back, numb—feeling the bottom fall out of my life.  I knew the past few months had been difficult for both Poppy and me, but I kept her here because I couldn't let her go. Part of me still hoped for a quiet resolution to the blackmail issue so I could be with her again, if she'd even have me.

Hold on; she couldn't be gone. I shook my head, frowning. "How can she be gone already? I'm her legal owner, and I wasn't the one that took her back. They would have notified me," I pointed out to Hoseok, who stood across the room with his arms crossed. He simply shrugged his shoulders at me.

Everyone shouted at him at the same time, drowning each other out in the process. 

"How could you take her back there, you troll?" Hae was angrier than I'd ever seen her and her temper normally flared up easily.

Yoongi's quiet words were probably the worst.  "So obviously, you never really loved her either. If you did, you couldn't have taken her back there," his deep voice cut through the loud voices around him. "I thought I knew you, Hoseok, but obviously relationships with you are not to be trusted."

No matter how hard he tried to act like they didn't hurt, Hobi paled at Yoongi's harsh words. The two of them had been best friends for a long time. Sope was the real deal. 

Hobi fended off all the anger and accusations calmly. He stood there quietly, taking every mean thing that was said to him.

I suddenly realized this didn't only affect Poppy and me anymore. Maybe it never had. Everyone here loved her in some way. Everyone here would miss her. Maybe it had always been a Bangtan problem, instead of just my problem.

I should have trusted them. I should have told them a long time ago. They would have helped me. These were my brothers, even though at the moment we weren't acting much like a family.


I was surprised by the loudness of my own voice. My eyes grew wide as I realized they all instantly stopped yelling and turned to look at me.

Making the decision to tell them everything didn't come easy for me, but I now knew it had to be done. I didn't love Alora, and she didn't love me. I loved Poppy and, deep down, I still believed she had feelings for me too. Mi-cha was ruining the lives of too many people to get away with it.

And I wanted Poppy back so badly.

I took a deep breath and said, "I need to talk to you all. But we can't do it in here." I looked around the room, knowing there was at least one camera here. "I need everyone to go up to the roof. I'll meet you up there and explain why."

I could see the questions in their faces, but they all nodded and did as I asked.

Going into the closet in my room, I reached into my gym bag and pulled out the manila envelope containing the pictures that had destroyed my life.

I hadn't looked at them in months. Tears burned the back of my eyes as I thought about showing them to the others now. What were they going to think of me? How angry would they be that I had put Bangtan in jeopardy?

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