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I sat in Jungkook's computer chair, sulking. Pushing my feet against the floor, I repeatedly swung the chair halfway around and then back the other way, frowning while the argument I had with Hobi replayed in my head.

We had been on our way back from Big Hit and he was really quiet. Hobi was never quiet—at least not with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, slightly irritated that he didn't just come out with it without me prompting him, like a big baby.

He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine," I snapped at him, "don't tell me then. I don't really care anyway."

I crossed my arms and stared out the window.


Minutes later, I heard him sigh just before he complained, "I didn't like the way Beomgyu was acting around you today. And I definitely didn't like the way you were hanging all over him."

I instantly bristled. "Hanging all over him? We were dancing. Are you trying to say I was being inappropriate with him?"

Hobi pressed his lips together in a straight line and refused to look at me.

"You think I was trying to get together with a child?" I asked, my voice cold enough to frost up the windows. "He's still a teenager, Hobi! But even if I was, which I was not, why do you get to have any opinion at all about it? I do not belong to you in any way!"

He was fuming; I could see it on his face. "Message received," he spat out.

After several city blocks and more than a few additional comments thrown back and forth between us, he drove into the private parking garage below the apartment, pulling as close to the elevator as possible. He put the car in park, hit the button to unlock the door, and gestured that I should get out.

"You're not coming up?"

Shaking his head, he said, "I need some time to myself right now. I'll be back late tonight."

I got out of the car, and without even checking if I had my keys to get back into the apartment, he drove away, leaving black rubber tire marks on the concrete floor.

He might have the reputation for being pure sunshine, but Hobi could be a dickhead.

There was no one home when I let myself into the apartment, so I fixed myself an early dinner and went into Junkook's room to play on his computer. I finished my tuna sandwich and yogurt while I played video games, but the argument with Hobi kept running through my head and I was starting to think I had overreacted.

I knew Hobi had a crush on me. That wasn't a secret. He didn't like it when other boys paid attention to me, but it was something he was going to have to get over. I wasn't ready to move on yet; my heart was still in pain over Jimin. I missed him, and I wasn't ready to let him go yet.

I thought about the closed look on Jimin's face when he and Mi-cha were talking outside the practice room earlier. Their conversation confused me, except the part where she said she didn't want him around me anymore. She'd always hated me right from the beginning. But what had she meant by her and Jimin had a deal?

Pondering that for a bit brought me no closer to an answer, so I filed it away in my brain to come back to later. There was something weird going on between the two of them. Part of my brain said to stay out of it; it was their business. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat though; I would try to figure it out, even if it killed me.

I had been playing video games in Jungkook's room for several hours and gradually realized how much I ached all over. I shook my arms out, recognizing the slight burning sensation running through them for what it was. I was in heat.

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