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"I want you to take me back to the facility."

He flinched as I said it, his whole body reacting to my words.

"No," he said sharply, turning away from me again.

"Jimin, please... how do you think I feel knowing I'm not what you wanted? It's only been one day; you're not attached to me in any way. You could go get what you wanted in the first place," I said, trying, against my own will, to convince him.

Finally, turning away from the window, he irately advanced on me, backing me up a few steps. He gripped my shoulders, his fingertips digging into my skin, as he snapped, "You belong to me. I am not letting you go, ever. Whether you want to be here or not, this is where you're staying!"

Looking down at my jumpsuit again, he angrily yanked the zipper all the way down. "I hate seeing you in this thing! Go take it off and get rid of it. I never want to see you in it again."

With that, he turned and walked out, slamming the front door behind him, leaving me alone in the apartment. I waited for some time for him to come back, but he didn't. I realized it was the first time in my life I was completely by myself. I looked around at the empty room and felt very alone. I used to wish every day for some alone time, but right now I didn't like it at all.

I turned and ran, needing the smaller, more familiar space of the bedroom.

I walked the streets for miles, trying to shake off my agitation. I didn't know why I had directed my anger towards Poppy before I walked out. I had no reason to be angry with her; this was all on me. For some reason, my emotions had been in a jumble since this morning, but it wasn't her fault.

It certainly wasn't her fault that I was extremely attracted to her and couldn't control myself when I was with her. More than anything, I was confused about her. I didn't know how to define her now. She definitely didn't fit the description of a pet, but if she wasn't a pet, then what was she?

She was right; this morning when I went to the facility I thought I wanted a cat...a pet. But she was also wrong; the second I saw her, I knew she was the one I was taking home. If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I'd still choose her.

Long after dark, I found myself back in front of the apartment building. I was embarrassed to have to face her after my behavior earlier, but I knew it was best to get it over and done with. I was no closer to sorting out my feelings about her, but I already knew I would never let her go. I wanted her with me. I went inside, suddenly eager to make things right between the two of us.

I finally located Poppy in the bedroom. She was curled in a ball, sound asleep, with her tail wrapped protectively around her. She had put on the floral sweatpants again, along with the largest hoodie I owned, the hood pulled up, hiding her face in darkness. I squatted down beside the bed where I could see the dried tears on her cheeks and the distress on her face, even in her sleep. I was disappointed in myself; I had ruined the only first day together we'd ever have. Even worse, I'd made her unhappy enough to want to go back to that hellhole, all because I couldn't keep my hormones in check.

"I promise tomorrow will be better," I whispered as I settled a blanket over her.


The next morning, I felt her pressed against my back. Wondering if she was awake, I rolled over, her green eyes the first thing I saw, glowing as the sun hit them.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, never looking away. It disconcerted me the way she always looked me straight in the eyes when we were talking, her eyes never wavering.

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