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"So this charade is finally over?"

Alora and I sat in a darkened corner of the restaurant having our final dinner together. Once we both finally realized that we had something in common we became friends, or at least partners in crime. I worried that she would think I was abandoning her to the abusive whims of her mother now that I was ready to stand up to Mi-cha.

I nodded, "I am done letting your mother dictate my life; so yes, this is over. I know this puts you in a bad position, but we can help you. You can stay with us until your mother is dealt with, if you need to."

I was anticipating that she would break down, fearful of what Mi-cha would do to either Do-Hyun or herself. So I was shocked when she leaned back in her chair and laughed.

"Are you all right?" I asked, sure that the idea of having to deal with her mother on her own had pushed her over the edge.

"Yes! Finally!" she burst out gleefully. Holding her hand out over the table, she wiggled her fingers in front of my face until I noticed the sparkly ring.

"Do-Hyun?" I asked, momentarily confused.

Her smile was so full of joy it was infectious and I couldn't have been happier for her. "Tell me," I urged her.

"He asked me to marry him five days ago," she answered. "I planned on telling you tonight that we're running away to get married and live happily ever after, without my mother's interference. But you jumped the gun and told me your news first."

She glowed as she told me about the simple, heart-felt proposal that the man she loved had arranged. And I couldn't help but daydream about how Poppy would react if I was ever able to do the same.

I shook that thought out of my head though. There were so many things that needed to be resolved before I could even think about that.

"I'm so happy for you, Alora. When are you leaving? And what are you doing about your mother?" I asked, curious as to what she was planning.

She picked at her food as she explained their plans. "We're leaving tonight actually. My bags are already packed and in Do-Hyun's car. I couldn't leave without telling you first though. I've left a note for my mother, telling her only the bare minimum. She'll never know where we are; I can't chance that. I realize now that she's out of her mind. She needs professional help."

"I would have to agree with you," I said, pretending to shiver with fright. The thought crossed my mind at that moment though that I wouldn't want to be anywhere around Mi-cha after she found that note.

We continued to talk as we finished our meal. Alora, talking about the new life she hoped for with Do-Hyun and the plans they had together, and me, vaguely jealous that her life was moving forward while mine was still on hold.

Her phone chirped and she checked her texts, smiling at me as she set the phone back on the table. "He's almost here. This is it. I'm going to go and I'm never going to look back."

"You're going now?" I paused chewing to ask. "Like right now?"

She nodded, gathering up her bag and her phone. "There's no time like the present. I'm ready to start my life with the one I love. It will be a long time, I'm sure, but I'll check in with you as soon as I feel it's safe to do so. I love you, Jimin. Thanks for everything; wish me luck!"

I hugged her tightly, wished her well, and then watched her walk out into a completely new life—a life full of love and happiness, instead of her mother's control and narcissism.


It was after midnight when I opened the squeaky front door to the small office building that had in the past housed my husband's failed business. I flipped the light switch next to the door and squinted as the fluorescent lighting flickered harshly overhead.

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