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"Thank you for taking me home earlier. I know you wanted to see that movie," I said, lying on my side, locating his face in the sudden darkness as he switched off the lamp beside the bed.

When I'd run out of the bathroom, I was too embarrassed to go back into the theater. I didn't want the others to know what had just happened. I didn't want Alora to know what had just happened either. I didn't think I could ever face her again.

I went out into the parking lot, figuring I would either wait there until the movie was over or that Tae would eventually come looking for me and find me out there.

The longer I sat there though, the more I just wanted to go home. There were so many conflicting thoughts going through my mind, and I just didn't want to be there anymore. I thought about walking home, but it had taken almost half an hour to get there by car. I knew it was too far to walk and too dangerous at night anyway, especially for a hybrid out alone.

Finally, I'd called the one that I knew would take care of me with no questions asked.

"You don't have to thank me for that," Yoongi answered, just before I heard him yawn.

He sleepily said, "I don't know what happened tonight, and I don't want you to tell me anything you don't want to tell me. I just want you to know I'll always be here for you. No matter what."

He rolled over onto his back and said, "Come here. I want cuddles."

I chuckled as I scooched closer and he hugged me as I snuggled against him. Yoongi was the one I trusted implicitly. He knew everything about me, but he never pressed me for information. I could say anything to him, and he never judged me. He knew how I felt about Jimin, and he knew how close I was to losing myself in the aftermath of Jimin.

"Turn over, okay?" he requested. I rolled over to my other side and backed up against him. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face against my neck.

"I don't know what to do. I don't want to be here anymore," I murmured sadly.

He pulled the blanket around both of us and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Is running away an option?"

"You know there are six other people here that love you very much, right? And Hae, and Valeria? What about them? Don't make decisions based on only one person. What would the rest of us do without you? I don't think running away is the answer."

He tightened his hold on me, trying to reassure me. His breathing slowed, lengthening as he relaxed. On the verge of sleep, he mumbled, "Things will get better, but in the end you have to do what's right for you."

I felt Yoongi's entire body become slack as he finally gave in to sleep. In the quietness of the night, I thought about the whirlwind the last few months had been—coming out of the facility to a new life; learning so many things about the world I hadn't known before; falling in love; trying to pick up the pieces of my broken heart.

I thought about all the people I had learned to love.

Hobi—whose feelings for me were true, but who I knew wasn't the one for me, just as I wasn't the one for him. There was someone special out there for that man, and she might be closer than he even realized.

Valeria and Hae—my best friends. Valeria taught me to trust my own instincts, every single time. And Hae... what could I say about Hae? She was everything to me. She had immediately accepted me for who I was. She was my teacher, my cheerleader, my sister, and my very best friend.

Yoongi—steady, dependable, always there for me, in good times or bad. I could count on him in any circumstance. He was my cuddle buddy and my sleep mate. We were so compatible. Why couldn't I have fallen for him instead of Jimin? But in truth, there was no chemistry between us. He was like my favorite older brother.

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