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When we got to the edge of the grass, he had me jump up on his back and he carried me to his car, so my feet didn't touch the concrete again. Inside the car, he buckled me in and got in on the other side.

When the car started to move, I tensed up, barely breathing. It was definitely going too fast. I put my feet up on my seat and hugged my knees to my chest. I was afraid to look out the windows, so I hid my face against my knees for the entire twenty-minute ride.

"It's ok, scaredy cat, we made it in one piece," he said, laughing. I looked up and we were in a parking garage. He ran his fingers through my hair, stopping to scratch the back of one ear.

Looking at him with my eyes wide open, I asked, "Will we have to ride in cars often?"

"Mmhmm. Most days."

"But it's scary," I whimpered.

"Don't worry, pretty kitty. I wouldn't let anything hurt you," he grinned, "you'll get used to it over time."

I wasn't sure about that, but I would do anything to make him happy, so I'd try my best not to be afraid anymore.

We went up to the apartment, which he called a dorm, and it was huge! He showed me around, but I was sure I'd get lost in this place when he wasn't with me. There were so many hallways and rooms. It reminded me of a maze puzzle I'd seen in a book one time. I had lived in one room my entire life; this was a huge change.

He held my hand and led me down a hallway until he reached a specific door.

"This one is our room," he said as he opened the door. I prowled around the room, taking it all in. It was a standard room, I'm sure, but to me it felt like it belonged to royalty. There were things in there I didn't understand the purpose of, but I was starting to feel stupid with all the things I had to admit I'd never seen before. I didn't want to keep asking him questions.

I looked out the window. We were pretty high up and the room got good sunlight. I liked that. Turning back to look at him, I asked, "Is there a bathroom?" He pointed to a door and I went in to check it out.

Almost everything looked like what I was used to. However, in the corner there was a large glass box, with a door leading into it. I wasn't sure about that; I would have to be watchful to understand all the new things and what they were used for.

He came up behind me and hugged me again. "Well, what do you think?"

"I love it," I answered quietly, moving my tail out of his way.

"Come with me. Let's have a talk," he said, moving out into the bedroom to sit down. I sat in front of him, mimicking the way he crossed his legs as he sat. I pulled my tail around to lay it in my lap. I wondered if maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to come here. Maybe I wasn't going to be the kind of companion he wanted after all. It was all so overwhelming for me. I felt out of my element.

The further into the house we went, the quieter she became. I could tell she was troubled about how different things were here than where she had come from. It wasn't difficult to read the signs; her tail got lower and lower, and she kept it close to her, protectively. Her eyes were wide with worry and her ears almost flattened out to the side. I needed to soothe her anxieties. I wanted her to love it here. I wanted her to feel happy and at home here.

We sat on the bed and she stared down at her tail in her lap. I could practically hear her little heart racing. I put my finger under her chin and tipped her head up, so she was looking at me.

"I know it's overwhelming. It's different from what you're used to. It's ok. There's no need for you to be scared. I'll always take care of you. I promise," I told her, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

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