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After our initial dance, which I thought had gone pretty well, dance practice went downhill. At first, I couldn't put my finger on what was different, other than Hobi being there.

They both worked me pretty hard, harder than Jimin had ever expected from me before. I felt like a rag doll being pulled back and forth between them.

"Poppy, come over here. I want you to try this with me," called Jimin from in front of the mirror.

"Hold on, she's working on something with me," Hobi yelled back at him.

For two solid hours, I went back and forth between the two like a yo-yo. Hobi would pull me away to teach me a new move and Jimin would yank me back to practice a grand jete.
And so on, and so on...

It was confusing.

It was exhausting.

It was no longer fun.

Finally, when Jimin called me back to the front of the room yet again, I just stopped in the middle of the room and looked at the two of them... defiantly.

I felt my nose wrinkle as the smell hit me. I didn't know how I hadn't noticed it before, but the practice room reeked of both Jimin's and Hobi's pheromones. There had been plenty of times in my life at the facility when two male cats had decided I was a new toy to fight over. I remembered that feeling; I hadn't liked it in the facility and I didn't like it now.

"I am nobody's toy!"

I marched over to the corner where I had tossed my bag. Pulling out a light jacket, I grabbed up my bag, and stormed out of the room. I stomped my way down the hallway toward the lobby, possibly angrier than I should have been, not even caring that I could hear Mi-cha arriving at that very moment.

What the fuck is she doing here this early? 

"Poppy, wait!"

"Poppy, come back! I'm sorry!"

I could hear Jimin and Hobi both yelling, as they ran the length of the hallway after me.

I burst into the lobby, heading straight for the front door, but quickly changed course when I heard Mi-cha mumbling, "I wish they would outlaw nasty hybrids. There are enough damn cats in this world. Euthanize them all, I say."

She looked at me like I was something foul, something she would scrape off the bottom of her shoe.

I flexed my fingers, wishing I hadn't just clipped my sharp claws. Regardless, I was going for her face and nothing was going to stop me.

I sprinted in her direction and got close enough to her to appreciate the terrified look on her face, when I felt Hobi grab me from behind.

With her voice shaking, Mi-cha said, "Jimin, you need to put that feral cat in a locked cage for the safety of the public. I will be talking to Bang PD about this."

"Put me down!" I snarled, as Hobi carried me toward the door. "C'mon, let me use her face as a scratching post, just one time."

"Not today, you feisty little tiger," he grimaced, trying to hold on while I fought to get loose.

Just before Hobi got me outside, I smiled as I heard Jimin respond, "You keep it up, Mi-cha. I'll have Hobi let go of her and we'll watch her play with you like you're a fucking mouse."

I immediately felt myself relax. Jimin had stuck up for me. Everything felt right side up again in my world. Jimin would always be on my side.

Hobi set my feet down on the pavement, but kept his arms around me, not trusting me enough to let go. But when Jimin finally came out the door, still flinging threatening comments at Mi-cha, he glared at him.

"You can take your hands off her now, Hobi," which Hoseok immediately did.

Jimin took my hand and we walked to the car. He opened the passenger side door and said, "You're sitting up front with me this time. Hobi doesn't mind sitting in the back. Do you, Hobi?"

"Of course; I don't mind at all," he said, grinning in my direction. He went around to the other side of the car and climbed in behind the driver's seat.

I should have thought this through better. All the way back to the dorm, whenever I looked in the rearview mirror, Hobi was looking at Poppy. I could see the wheels turning in his head and I didn't like where those wheels were taking him.

I reached over and took her hand in mine, resting them on the console between us, hoping that Hobi would get the hint that Poppy belonged with me.

As I pulled into my space in the parking garage, she squeezed my hand and I looked over at her. She winked at me and blew me a kiss. I was a little surprised. I thought she was angry with me when she left the practice room. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand back.

Everything would be ok. She promised she'd never leave me; I believed in that promise. Besides, where could she go?

We walked in the front door and I was excited to see Taehyung's bags sitting in the entryway.

I shouted his name, "Tae! Where are you?"

Tae was my best friend and I couldn't wait to see him again. I wanted him to meet Poppy, who I noticed was sniffing the air and frowning. I shouted his name again.

"I'm in my room," Tae shouted back.

I heard the pitter patter of tiny feet running toward the kitchen. "Come here, Yeontan! Come here, boy!" I called.

Yeontan rounded the corner into the kitchen, ran past me toward Poppy, and immediately started barking. Quicker than my brain could even register, Poppy jumped up on top of the counter, hissing and batting her claws at him. Her tail, normally fluffy and soft, bristled out in an alarming way and stuck straight out.

"Evil dog!" she hissed. "I knew I smelled something disgusting when I walked in."

"Poppy, it's okay," I tried to calm her down. "Yeontan is our friend. He won't hurt you. I promise."

But she didn't calm down. Yeontan jumped up against the cabinets just below her, barking even more frantically. This set Poppy off on a new round of hissing and swatting at the tiny dog.

I mistakenly picked up Yeontan, which brought him even closer to Poppy, and she shrieked at me to get it away from her.

Taehyung came rushing in, yelling at her to stop scaring his dog. I yelled at Tae that it was his dog scaring my cat.

Within seconds, Poppy somehow skittered along the top of the appliances and furniture over to the back of the couch, knocking things over left and right, while Hobi tried to catch her.

It was during this chaos that Namjoon walked in.

"What the hell is going on in here? I could hear you guys all the way down the hall," he bellowed.

We all froze, except for Poppy, who took this moment to escape down the hallway toward the bedroom.

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