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It had been eight days since anyone had seen Poppy. Hobi and I had gone around the neighborhood where she lived with Jiwoo and talked with each of their neighbors. Even though most of them knew Poppy and were fond of her, none had any helpful information about her disappearance.

Yoongi and Taehyung plastered pictures of Poppy in every window and on every pole in the area. Jin and Jungkook scoured social media looking for any mention of someone finding a lost hybrid that fit Poppy's description.

Namjoon called Mr. Bang, adding this new element to the information he'd given him a few nights ago. The police had been called in, but they just shrugged their shoulders in ambiguity. The case made them nervous; they didn't want the publicity of dealing with it. They made a report of her disappearance and wished us luck in finding her.

One of the detectives let it slip though that hybrids had been disappearing all over the city for months now. They suspected organized crime of some kind, so they were not convinced that Poppy's disappearance and Mi-cha's blackmail were connected.

If Mi-cha had known where Poppy was living, I would have disagreed with them. Mi-cha had instantly and unreasonably hated Poppy. And knowing the lengths she would go to get what she wanted, I wouldn't put anything past her. But she didn't know where Poppy lived—I hadn't even known where she'd lived at the time. So even though I had a bad feeling about Mi-cha, I pushed it away as being illogical.

We continued to look for Poppy day and night.

This morning, I went to the dance school Poppy was enrolled in to talk to the teacher and students. I doubted they would have any information, but they would have been the last ones to see her, so I kept my fingers crossed.

"I'm sorry we haven't been able to be of more help to you, Mr. Park," Miss Choi apologized profusely an hour later. "We miss Poppy around here so much. She became well loved in the short amount of time she was here."

"Thank you. I do appreciate that," I said, handing her a card with Big Hit's number on it. "If you remember anything that might be helpful please don't hesitate to call this number."

She took the card and nodded sympathetically at me as she walked me toward the door. I had spoken to most of the students and the other two teachers, but no one had seen anything suspicious that day. The lack of leads on what happened to Poppy was disheartening.

She didn't just vanish into thin air.

She was somewhere.

Someone had to know something.

My phone rang just as we got to the front door and I quickly said my goodbyes, excusing myself to answer it.


"Did you hear?" I heard Hae yelling through the speaker. "Mi-cha was a no-show at work today. She had called off sick for a few days, but she didn't show up for work again today. She just called and quit."

"What do you mean Mi-cha quit?"

The bad feeling returned tenfold. Why would Mi-cha, who had been at Big Hit since the beginning, just quit out of the blue?

I could hear Hae's heavy sigh through the phone as she repeated herself very slowly, as if I was intentionally being dense. "She called and left a message that she wouldn't be coming back. No two-week notice. No reason given for leaving. She just up and left. Don't you find that odd, given the timing of her departure? Doesn't that seem suspicious to you?"

I rubbed my temple in aggravation. I could feel a headache coming on.

"I don't know. I don't even know anymore," I said into the phone. "Maybe; maybe not. We can't just go charging over to her house and accuse her of something like this. I don't want her to hurt Poppy if she does have her."

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