Chapter 1

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----------------->  HE COULD FEEL HIMSELF BEING PULLED OUT OF THE WATER AND THROWN HASTILY ON THE FLOOR. He wanted to hex the person who did such a thing because he was a Black, and how dare someone man-handle a Black!

He could hardly feel anything. His body was numb.

 He felt himself going a bit thirsty and something soft pressing down on his numb lips. Air was being blown inside his mouth. Consciousness was starting to regain him, just a little bit.

He opened his eyes by accumulating all the will power he had. 

Sadly, it wasn't much, and everything was still blurry. He briefly wondered if Potter felt the same way without those horrid glasses that he always wore.

He closed his eyes again. It was all too much.

Air was being blown inside his mouth once more and his head hurt worse than it did after any of the Slytherin victory parties combined.

He opened his eyes again, and the sight he awoke to was beautiful.

Soft black wavy hair fell around him like an acromantula silk curtain. Her face was incredibly impossibly beautiful and her gorgeous features left no doubt of pureblood heritage. Her cheekbones were high and her eyelashes kissed her cheekbones every time she blinked. Her face was slightly flustered, her eyebrows were frowned and he could see barely visible wrinkles near her eyes in her otherwise flawlessly perfect face, indicating laugh lines.

Her lips were ruby red and slightly chewed on, which was bad because hadn't every pureblood been taught that biting lips was unsanitary and a sign of weakness? She bit her lips again -just a little bit- and all he could think about was that she needed to stop doing that. It was an awful habit and unbecoming of a lady.

She's speaking, his mind realised. Her lips were moving sort of hurriedly. Frantically. 

He supposed that he could read her lips, but to be honest, he was all too content to just stare into her eyes. 

They were green. So incredibly, wonderfully  green. Her emotions were put on full display as her eyes captured hundreds and thousands of flashes- nervous, horridness, happiness, sadness, anger and desperation.

Her eyes were green.

Slytherin green. 

The same shade as the jewel on his founder's locket. That thought brought some sense into him, but then he relaxed once more. 

The locket was safe.

It was with Kretcher. The locket was safe. The madman could die. His plan had succeeded. Sirius -his brother- would live. Maybe he would name his son after him. He would live and be happy. His plan worked. He could die now. Everything was fine. Everybody was perfectly safe.

He looked at her again. More intensely this time. 

He could see light cascading around her like a golden blanket.

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