Chapter 7

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------------------> WHEN REGULUS BLACK RETURNED HOME, he was greeted to the sight of his mother spluttering over her words and cursing his brother under her breath as she paced across the white marble floor of the parlour

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------------------> WHEN REGULUS BLACK RETURNED HOME, he was greeted to the sight of his mother spluttering over her words and cursing his brother under her breath as she paced across the white marble floor of the parlour. His father, however, gave off the impression that he couldn't be bothered less by any worldly thing, as he read a book, Ritualistic Runes by Lycoris Yaxley, while sitting cross-legged on an armchair.

"Mother," Regulus started softly, his eyebrows frowned in confusion. "What-"

"-Your brother is a complete idiot!" Walburga roared.

Of course he is, Regulus thought, but he wouldn't dare voice his mind now- not when his mother was glaring daggers and ready to spit curses. "If I may inquire details regarding which act of stupidity my dearest brother committed this time, mother?" He asked politely.

His mother let out a war cry in response and whatever words came out of her mouth was completely incoherent, but Regulus could gather by her mere emotions that his brother had majorly angered their parents.

He mentally sighed. This was honestly nothing new.

In fact, it had become a routine of sorts: Sirius would do something that would either exasperate or displeasure their parents, thus stealing all of their attention for himself and nobody would pay any mind to Regulus, whose existence only flashed into their minds when they needed him for a work that they couldn't get anybody else to do.

It had always been like this for as long as he could remember.

Sirius was always the best and no matter how hard he tried, he could never match up to his brother. He was always second.

The sad part was, he tried so hard to make his parents proud. He studied and practised every spell until he was at the top of his year. He lived up to every single expectation that had been set by their parents. He got into Slytherin like a good son. He didn't befriend or talk to any mud bloods or halfbloods unless it was absolutely necessary, like a good pureblood. He made friends with all the right people, spoke with the proper manners and behaved like he was expected to.

He became Prefect. He also became Quidditch Captain. He even became the Head Boy.


Sirius was the apple of their parent's eyes. He was loud, rowdy and impulsive; but he was a prodigy in magic in a way that Regulus could only dream about. Sirius was the best dueller in their generation of the Black family, crossing even Bellatrix's power with effortless ease. Sirius was the smart one- the person who could easily score remarkably well on his exams without lifting a finger. Sirius was the person that other parents compared their children to and complemented their parents on- perfect Sirius with his intelligence, kindness, strength, skills, talent and looks.

It was always Sirius.

Sirius was the one who his mother moaned over how brilliant he would have been if he had gotten sorted into Slytherin ("A waste of perfectly good talent."), not Regulus- the child who actually got sorted into the house of snakes like they wanted.

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