Chapter 16

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-------------------> REGULUS MADE SURE HE PERSONALLY, PROPERLY THANKED ALL THE PUROHITS WHO HAD HELPED HIM RECOVER TO HIS FULL HEALTH. Each of the Purohit's politely accepted his thanks but made it their goal to remind him to practise meditation, a light workout, eat healthily and not exert too much stress on both, his healing arm and mind.

They had only arrived in India the previous morning, but it was already time to go. After all, Tom Riddle was like an annoying pest- he wouldn't go away unless they used the pest-repellant spell on him.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality and everything, really," Ara told them with a grateful smile as she connected her pinky finger with Regulus'.

Purohit Naveen Rao chuckled. "Atithi Devo Bhava meaning Guest is God. Trust me, the pleasure was all ours. We thank you for coming and hope you have a wonderful life ahead."

"You as well," Regulus' smile mirrored Ara's as he looked down to their interlocked pinky fingers. He was sure he heard a sigh of, "Oh, young love," from one of the Purohit's, but he ignored it because Ara and himself didn't love each other that way.


"Do not forget to do your mental exercises." Purohit Goswami repeated.

"With how many times I have been reminded of that today, I sincerely doubt I would be able to forget it in my life," Regulus said, making a few chuckles join the air and Ara rolled her eyes.

"Also, we have something for you," Purohit Anurag Goswami began, looking between them. "Both of you." He said, signalling one of his disciples who held a beautifully intricate silver tray in his hand to come closer.

The silver tray had two threads that were a bright red colour with streaks of yellow and orange sewed randomly. It also contained a small silver container that had been lidded, making the two foreigners look at it curiously.

"They look ordinary, I know, but these two strings have been woven with many enchantments and runes for luck, happiness, health, and such." Purohit Goswami picked the strings up and held them in the air, to give Regulus and Ara a closer look at them. "It also contains a Ward of sorts, that will spring up when you are about to be hit with a stray curse or hex without your knowledge. The only unfortunate part is, that it's only good for one hit. After it has protected you once, the protective enchantments will fade, but all the happiness and health runes will remain."

"Thank you so much," Ara and Regulus chorused sincerely, as the Purohit tied the strings to each of their left hands, forcing their pinkies to finally break free from their hold on each other.

Protection against stray curses would be extremely useful considering what they were planning to do.

"Also, we have one more thing to give," Purohit Rao started as he opened the lidded container to reveal two identical diamond rings. It looked very expensive.

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now