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Please note that the title is a work-in-progress sort of thing.

You: How did Sirius and James make Adhara/Ara drink the potion the first time

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You: How did Sirius and James make Adhara/Ara drink the potion the first time.

Me: Well, it's quite a story, actually. Here is what happened....

Once upon a time, James Potter and Sirius Black got drunk. And I'm talking like majorly I-will-have-a-mammoth-hangover-the-next-day-and-won't-be-able-to-perform-simple-duties-without-a-minimum-of-nine-concentrated-hangover-potions drunk. The two of them somehow began talking about children for some bazaar reason. 

Our dear Adhara/Ara was a little over a year old back then, and James was asking Sirius to have a son fast so they could set the two of them up together and James and Sirius could be actual brothers. Then Sirius pointed out that they would be fathers not brothers if their respective children were to get married and besides, he didn't have any children. Then James pointed out that Adhara/Ara was his godchild which technically made her his child as well; and Sirius emphasised the technically part and James decided to change that.

So they went to the main Potter vault at Gringotts, where the last batch of the only gene-altering potion in the entire, whole wide world was present, brought it back to her nursery, and-

"Here comes the choo-choo Hogwarts express! Open wide, Adhara..." Sirius cooed as he drunkly tried to place the edge of the glass at her lips, only to instead spill a bit of the clear liquid on her plum, red cheeks.

"Lemme try," James said as he snatched the glass from Sirius, who proceeded to pout at his action. James' eyes softened upon seeing his baby daughter's smiling face and happy gurgle. "Do you want to drink this, Prongsletta? It's really good. See, daddy's is drinking it as well." James said as he also accidentally spilt some of the clear liquid on his own cheeks, like Sirius had done to Adhara's a few minutes earlier.

Sirius snorted. "I did better than that. Give it to me." He demanded, attempting to snatch the glass back.

James resisted his advances. "No. It's my potion that we found in my family vault." 

"But she's my goddaughter." 

"So? She's my daughter. Without me, she wouldn't have existed in the first place. I made her, so I get to feed her." 

"No, you only get to change her dirty diapers and such. Feeding and playing falls under the obligatory duties of the godfather. It's there in the manual."

"What manual?" 

"Oh my- you don't even have the manual?" Sirius shook his head in false pity. "That explains so, so much." 

"Shut up." 

"Great comeback, Prongs. Did you spend the whole day thinking of it?"

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