Chapter 21

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---------------------------> DIAGON ALLEY HAD BEEN REDUCED TO A WAR ZONE

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---------------------------> DIAGON ALLEY HAD BEEN REDUCED TO A WAR ZONE. Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix were simultaneously battling Death Eaters while trying their very best to get the civilians to safety.

"Shit," Ara said.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Regulus muttered.

Snuffles seemed to share their opinion as it landed and immediately began squishing Death Eaters (Ara and Regulus had taken the time to show the dragon pictures of the Death Eater's masks and robes so he could differentiate) and burning fire at them.

The appearance of the very large Ukrainian Underbelly dragon put a temporary halt in the battle as everybody looked at them in confusion.

Ara and himself got off the dragon before she took a deep breath.

"Hello, Tom Riddle. I'm Ara," she introduced herself to the Dark Lord Voldemort, knuckles turning white as her hand tightened the grip on the elder wand. "We haven't formally met, but I hate you infinitely." She said, readying herself into her preferred duelling stance. "I was born as the seventh month died and if you're wondering, Reg and I were the ones who destroyed all your Horcruxes. That means that you're mortal now, you literal bastard." She spat, and not even a millisecond later, Tom Riddle let out a war cry before unleashing a tornado of hexes and curses at her.

Ara was equally brilliant, using all the knowledge accumulated from her years as an Unspeakable against him.

The two of them made a terrifying sight and the fight looked to be like a stalemate, something that seemed to make Tom Riddle even angrier. The two of them kept moving and shifting their stances and eventually ended up inside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, thus shielding them from the eyes of everybody else.

Regulus could see Albus Dumbledore about to interfere at the corner of his eyes and frowned. He needed to prevent that but he was sure that the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry wouldn't just believe him if he told him that Ara needed to do this on her own.

So, he spoke to the old professor using the one thing he did believe in.

"You know about the prophecy, don't you, Professor?" Regulus asked, grabbing his wrist.

Albus Dumbledore blinked at him in surprise. "Pardon-"

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...." Regulus recited from memory and controlled the urge to laugh at Albus Dumbledore's gaping expression.


"-This is between them, Professor," Regulus said sternly. "This is their prophecy. This is their fight. Do not interfere." And without waiting for a reply, Regulus turned around and fought a Death Eater.

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now