Chapter 4

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--------------> "WHERE ARE WE?" Regulus asked, looking around

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--------------> "WHERE ARE WE?" Regulus asked, looking around.

"South of France." 

"The Flamel's live here?" 

"Yes. We are standing right in front of their property line, actually," Ara replied. Although it was common knowledge that the Flamels lived in France, it was only known to a selective few the precise location of their manor.

Regulus looked at the place in front of him with a confused expression as he was unable to see anything but the green, dense trees.

Ara took a breath from where she stood beside him and smiled. "Are you ready?" 

"I think I should be asking that question to you," Regulus said dryly before his features grew serious. "Are you okay?"

She gave him a shaky smile in reply. "I will be." And with one more deep breath, she intertwined her fingers with his and took a large step forward, dragging him along with her.

It felt like they had crossed an invisible barrier at that moment because suddenly, Regulus couldn't see the dense trees anymore. Instead, standing before him was a large and handsome Manor.

Ara smiled at the sight with a nostalgic glint in her eyes. "I'm sure they already know that we are here. So, let's not keep them waiting any longer," She said as she walked forward. 

Her hand was small but it felt warm as it continued to hug his own. Ara held an almost death-like grip on his hand and she was chewing on her lip again, and he couldn't help but think that she should really do a better job at containing her nerves.

They walked all the way to the front door before proceeding to standing on the welcome mat patiently. A second later, the door opened, revealing a middle-aged couple.

Ara squeezed his hand tighter and he lightly squeezed it back. 

They hadn't really discussed how they were going to approach this whole situation. Ara had been firm and unmoving in her decision that she wanted to wing it. But now, Regulus realised that he probably should have protested more and insisted that they at the very least, talked how they were going to handle this, because Ara was looking at the couple like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Code 3259 Alpha," She blurted out.

The man, who Regulus assumed to be Nicolas Flamel, blinked. "What?" He asked in his accented English.

Ara closed her eyes tiredly, giving off the impression that she was Atlas, holding the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Of course you wouldn't know what it meant. You haven't made the list of codes yet." 

"Pardon?" The woman, Perenelle Flamel asked this time, politely confused.

"Blunt truth or slow explanation?" Ara asked instead.

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