Chapter 19

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---------------------------> A MINISTRY OWL had flown in sometime in the second hour Regulus had been story-telling and had dropped a letter into Ara's hands

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---------------------------> A MINISTRY OWL had flown in sometime in the second hour Regulus had been story-telling and had dropped a letter into Ara's hands. The search in the Lord's study at Malfoy Manor revealed no diary, much to Ara and Regulus' disappointment. Sure, the realistic part of their mind knew that Tom Riddle would have hidden the diary in another location by now, but the optimistic part of them had hoped that he wouldn't have.

Of course, luck had never truly favoured them.

The only good thing about this whole affair was that the brotherhood between Sirius and Regulus was growing.

In fact, Sirius had voluntarily given them information about what the Order of the Phoenix had been doing (most of them Ara knew because she was from the future, but she couldn't exactly tell him that) and after much contemplation with Ara, Regulus had permitted Sirius to tell the Order about Tom Riddle's Horcruxes and the truth about what they were and how to destroy them.

It was only when the topic of traitors was brought up, did things go south.

"What do you mean Peter is a traitor?" Sirius asked through gritted teeth.

"I know you don't believe us." Regulus began. "But that's the truth. I've seen him in Death Eater meetings."

Sirius let out a bitter laugh. "No. Peter wouldn't do anything like that. He's harmless and loyal." He emphasised. "He wouldn't betray us."

"That's because he already did!" Regulus said. "He has been ever since I was in the sixth year and you were in seventh."

"That's not true!"

"Just because you don't believe in something does not mean it isn't real!" Regulus yelled back.

"Peter wouldn't do something like this," Sirius said firmly. "I know him and I trust him."

"Do you trust him more than you trust me?" Regulus asked, trying and failing to keep the pain from out of his voice. "You trust your friend more than your brother?"

"Yes," Sirius said coldly before standing up. "I think we are done here. It was nice meeting you, Ara. Regulus, I hope we can talk to each other properly again after you've decided to come to your senses. Goodbye." He pulled on the portkey and disappeared.

------> 0o0 <------

Sirius felt like banging his head against a wall.

He had a chance at making things right with his brother and he messed it up.

Like he messed up everything else.

But what else could he have done? Regulus was throwing accusations at Wormtail while Ara just sat there silent without stopping him.

Sirius knew Peter. He knew him ever since James and he had seen a little flabby boy stuffing his face with food in the Gryffindor dorms and the two of them had made a unanimous decision to take him in.

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