Chapter 9

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-----------------> ARA WRINKLED HER NOSE

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"A wonderfully pleasant blend of alcohol and teenage hormones." Regulus answered dryly, making her snort. 

The two of them walked across the dark, damp and rather smelly tunnel that led to a secret corridor near the Slytherin Common Room. 

Ara looked completely comfortable in her grey, Unspeakable robes with the hood pulled down, while Regulus felt a tad weird and out of place wearing them. 

He had asked her how it felt so right for her, and she had simply told him that it was the same way his green, Slytherin Quidditch Robes felt proper for him.

Ara really had to learn a little bit of subtlety whenever she tried to 'discreetly' tell him to follow his dreams because sometimes, she tended to be as subtle as a bombarda maxima.

They reached the dead-end of the tunnel. Regulus knocked on it seven times, and the wall slowly started to disappear. 

He gestured to the Hogwarts corridor. "Ladies first." 

"I'm only an Heiress." Ara said, mirroring his gesture. "So please, lead the way." 

Regulus smirked before doing so. 

Stepping into Hogwarts almost a year and a half after graduating brought forward waves of nostalgia to him. It felt like Hogwarts herself knew he was there and a warm, protective blanket had been wrapped around him.

"Do you feel that too?" Ara whispered, voice filled with awe and happiness.

Regulus wordlessly nodded before shaking his head. "Twenty minutes." He said. "I'll meet you in the second floor bathroom in twenty minutes." 

"Regulus, if you wanted to snog me, all you had to do was ask." Ara told him, smiling innocently, making Regulus splutter for a second.

"This was your plan." He said heatedly.

Ara pouted. "You're no fun." She grumbled before looking at him seriously again. "Be careful. And remember, you need to really want it for the door to appear." 

"Trust me, there is nothing I want more." Regulus muttered lowly before clearing his throat and flashing her a small smile. "Good luck." 

"You too. We'll need it." Ara said, returning his smile before looking around confusedly. "How come there aren't anybody in the corridors?" 

Regulus shrugged. "It's Saturday and early in the morning. I honestly doubt if anybody is awake." 

Ara nodded and with one last exchange of smiles, the two of them split up to do their respective tasks.

------> 0o0 <------

It took him nearly three hours to find Ravenclaw's diadem, much to his embarrassment. 

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