Chapter 18

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---------------------------> IT WAS A LITTLE WHILE AFTER RETURNING from visiting the newly dubbed Snuffles did they realise that they had been looking at it all wrong

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---------------------------> IT WAS A LITTLE WHILE AFTER RETURNING from visiting the newly dubbed Snuffles did they realise that they had been looking at it all wrong.

They had been basing all the plans to steal Tom Riddle's diary under the assumption that it was still kept at Malfoy Manor. That was why they hadn't been able to formulate a proper plan because by now, Tom Riddle would have definitely known that there were some persons who had destroyed all his other Horcruxes (that must have been why he had been so angry at Regulus earlier) and they were sure that he had checked the locations of all his Horcruxes and had been enraged to find them missing.

The diary was the only one left, and the process to make a Horcrux took nearly a month. He wouldn't be able to do make another one yet.

This was the time they had been waiting for.

"Bellatrix told me I had three days in the letter. Three days to get my shit together, to quote her." Regulus told Ara.

"That must mean that Tommy boy is planning something in three days from now. That's why she wants you there." Ara said, eyes widening.

Regulus nodded. "Yes, so that's our deadline. We have three days to find and destroy the diary."

"No pressure," Ara added dryly, making Regulus laugh.

As he laughed, his nose crinkled adorably while a few laugh lines made themselves visible. His smile took up the whole space of his face like it always did, and Ara thought that it was one of the most precious things she had ever seen.

She laughed with him, and somewhere along the middle, a realisation dawned on her.

Holy shit! She liked him. She liked Regulus. Like, like-liked him.

She shook herself out of it. There were more important things they had to worry about now.

"But we need confirmation that the diary isn't in Malfoy Manor," Regulus continued, blissfully unaware of her internal musings. "because right now, it's still just an assumption. We need to know for sure."

"I can go to the Auror office and ask them to raid Malfoy Manor," Ara suggested and upon seeing Regulus' doubtful expression, she further explained. "No, think about it. Unless you are an Unspeakable, nobody really knows what we do. They expect us to be all-knowing and such. I can go to the Auror office and claim that we think that the Lord's study in the Malfoy Manor has a diary that had been taken from one of our employees that contains highly sensitive and dangerous information. The Aurors have to listen to us since we are at a higher hierarchy than them, and they will definitely go, at least to satisfy their own curiosity and know what the enigmatic Unspeakables are looking for." Ara elucidated. "If they find the diary, good. If they don't, we'll know for sure that he hid it in another place and the Auror's can assume what they want about my weird request, I couldn't care less. But it's worth a try, don't you think?"

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now