Chapter 14

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------------------> THE TEMPLE THEY HAD BEEN REFERRED TO WAS ONE DEDICATED TO LORD SHIVA, ONE OF THE PRINCIPLE DEITIES OF THE HINDU RELIGION. From the outside, Ara could not sense or detect any muggle repelling wards whatsoever, so she was a bit confused about whether or not they had come to the right place.

Herself and Regulus got some weird looks thrown their way for their outfits (he was wearing his Slytherin Quidditch jersey and pants -which was definitely not temple going attire- while she was wearing her Unspeakable grey ones, having had no time to change), but most of the temple going devotes seemed to ignore them.

A priest of the temple (who she would learn was called a Purohit) spotted them in about three seconds of them coming, and made his way over, looking confusedly between their attire.

Ara muttered a language translation spell and drew a translation rune on her hand with a finger.

"Namaste." The Purohit greeted, putting his hands together.

"Hello," Ara said.

Regulus had fainted from the pain and she was now baring his entire weight on her body.

"I do find myself wondering why British wizards would pay a visit to our humble temple." The Purohit said politely, but curiously.

"We find ourselves caught up in a problem, and we heard that you are one of the people who can solve it," Ara said, shifting her stance to aid her to bear Regulus' weight.

The Purohit's eyes held an enigmatic, mysterious glint. "We can solve many problems," he said, "one need only ask the right questions. What is the matter?"

In response, Ara -with great difficulty- took off the gloves and rolled up the sleeves on Regulus' left arm.

The Purohit's mouth dropped to a thin, hard-line. "Come with me." He said seriously, before assisting Ara in carrying Regulus.

They walked to one of the sides of a temple, where Ara could see a small wooden door along with multitude protective enchantments surrounding it.

The Purohit, upon standing directly in front of it, muttered a spell in what she assumed was Sanskrit, making the door fling open and allowing them to enter. The door shut behind them.

This door led to a series of staircases leading underground, and the final staircase led to one of the most beautiful views Ara had seen.

It was a waterfall.

An underground waterfall.

A stone structure of what she would later know to be the Shivlinga was placed at the bottom of it, so the water was directly falling on its head.

There were fireflies everywhere, providing light, and the ceiling of this cave was enchanted to mirror the perfect weather outside.

She would later find out that this place was used by the Purohits for performing magical rituals in secret and for teaching their disciples this wonderful art as well.

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