Chapter 15

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-----------------> A STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS SLOWLY DESCENDED UPON HIM. His head hurt, his whole body hurt and he felt like there was a weight that had been placed on him.

With difficulty, Regulus blinked away his desire to return to the peaceful realm of Morpheus. As his vision began to clear, he took a minute to observe his surroundings.

He was in a rather bare room with not much furniture and was placed on a sleeping mat.

He fought a losing battle against himself to remember the events that must have brought him to his current state, but unfortunately, he could only recollect bits and pieces and not the whole picture.

He remembered feeling an unbearable amount of pain coming from his left arm and he remembered Ara holding one of the port key's, but anything that must have occurred between the two events or after, brought forward a blank slate in his mind.

Regulus tried to shift his body to lie in a more comfortable position when the weight on his body restricted him from doing so.

What was that weight anyway?

He looked sideways to the right and by doing so, found himself three inches away from Ara's nose.

The weight on him turned out to be her hand. She had a tight grip.

Regulus felt mesmerised by her face and wondered how a person could look so beautiful. He was so close to her face that if he desired, he could count every eyelash and every freckle that graced her skin. Her lips were chewed on and dry, but was it odd that he found it attractive?

Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed as she slept and her nose was somewhat wrinkled.

She must be having a bad dream, he thought.

He was now in a very uncomfortable position, so he started to slowly and carefully shift his body trying his best to not disturb Ara.

His best, apparently, was useless, as her eyes lightly fluttered, making her long eyelashes kiss her cheekbones and revealing two crystal orbs of eyes.

Regulus froze.

She just caught him bluntly staring at her.


"-You snore." He interrupted her.

All either of them had to do was lean in by an inch and their lips would be able to meet.

Ara blinked. "Good evening to you too." She sat up and lightly stretched.

He missed the body heat that had been coming from her but nevertheless followed her action.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"You don't remember?"

Regulus shook his head.

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now