Chapter 8

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------------------> WHEN REGULUS WALKED DOWN TO THE LIVING ROOM EARLY THE NEXT MORING, he was extremely surprised to see his parents already up and apparently, consoling an angry Bellatrix

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------------------> WHEN REGULUS WALKED DOWN TO THE LIVING ROOM EARLY THE NEXT MORING, he was extremely surprised to see his parents already up and apparently, consoling an angry Bellatrix. The presence of his dark-haired and slightly obsessive cousin itself rang warning bells inside his head.

Regulus walked over to the group. His father, ever sharp and observant, was the first to notice his presence. 

"Good morning Regulus." 

"Good morning, father. I hope you slept well. You too, mother." Regulus said before facing Bellatrix. "Good morning, Be-"

"What is so good about this morning, Reggie!" Bellatrix snapped. 

"I apologise." Regulus said immediately, used to his cousin's mood swings.

"You must forgive Regulus, Bella." Walburga told her soothingly, "He doesn't know what happened and I am sure that he is really excited about today." She flashed him a coy smile paired with a suggestive look.

Regulus sighed and prayed that his parents and cousin did not notice the flush in his cheeks. "She is just a friend, mother." 

Walburga waved his comment away, while Bellatrix smirked.

"She? You're meeting up with a girl so early in the morning?" Bellatrix asked, smirk widening with each word.

"I don't know why everybody finds that so hard to believe. I have had female friends in the past, you know." Regulus muttered.

"Yes, but your female friends consist of those who have already been engaged." Bellatrix said, before adding as an afterthought, "The girl you are meeting. Is she single?"

"As far as my knowledge, yes." 

"And you are meeting each other alone?" 


"Then it's a date!" She clapped her hands. 

"No. It's not." Regulus said slowly. "I'm helping her with a research project. That's it." 

"Research project?" Bellatrix asked doubtfully.

"Yes. She happens to be an Unspeakable." Regulus replied.

This time, Bellatrix gave him all her attention. Any tears or anger she might have had before had now all disappeared. At that moment, Regulus realised that he was not speaking with Bellatrix, his wonderfully scary cousin. He was speaking with Bellatrix, the right hand woman of the Dark Lord Tom.

"An Unspeakable? You know an Unspeakable and didn't tell me! When were you planning to tell me this, Reggie?" Bellatrix demanded.

"I couldn't tell you no matter how much I have wanted to. I've only known her for about a week and she held me under an oath the whole time. She only released me yesterday afternoon, and even then, I am sworn to secrecy about what she is researching." Regulus answered calmly.

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AUWhere stories live. Discover now