Chapter 17

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---------------------------> REGULUS STAYED IN THE FLAMEL MANOR FOR THE WHOLE WEEK, NEVER ONCE GOING BACK TO ENGLAND. This was because he had made the beautiful city of Nice, France his 'happy place'. In England, Tom Riddle was still at large, people were losing their lives, his dark-loyal family and his estranged brother were there. However, in France, it was just funny Mr Flamel, kind Mrs Flamel, Ara and himself. There was no trouble and no need for pretending.

He didn't have to play the role of the perfect Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black that people expected him to be, he didn't have to be the ideal son that his parents so desperately craved, he didn't have to act like he worshipped Tom Riddle's very existence like his cousin Bellatrix did and he most certainly didn't have to care what other people thought of him; instead, concentrating on what he thought of himself.

Regulus had been hiding behind a mask for so long, that he was a little surprised to remember what he had been like without it.

In France, with Ara, Regulus could finally be himself.

His brown-haired blue eyes quest-companion had been very adamant that he followed precisely what the Purohit's had advised him to do and after she had informed them, so had Mr and Mrs Flamel.

Mrs Flamel had taken it upon herself to make sure that Regulus ate only healthy and organic meals while Mr Flamel made it his mission to regularly guide Regulus while doing meditation. Ara, on the other hand, made it her duty to keep him as stress-free as she possibly could.

Yes, they did still ponder and worry over how they would be able to get Tom Riddle's diary because once the diary was destroyed, he would be free game to anybody since he would be mortal then.

It was during these discussions that Regulus' hair could be mistaken for that of James Potter's with how messy it had become, and Ara's lips would start bleeding due to how hard she would have chewed on it.

They really had to make an effort to stop these awful habits and nervous ticks.

It was also after these serious conversations that Ara would intertwine her pinky finger with his and the two of them would go for a walk outside, visiting more of Ara's favourite spots and cafes. Regulus enjoyed those times a lot, where they were able to talk about something other than contemplating a way to stop Tom Riddle and his plan for world domination.

They also got to know each other much better during these times, without even intending to do so.

It was the little things; like how whenever they went to a cafe, Ara would order black coffee for herself and a caramel hot chocolate for him, since she knew that he had a huge sweet tooth, or how most of the places she took him to were nothing educational and purely for fun and the view because she knew that his parents would have been completely against that and Regulus wanted to rebel against his parents and their ideologies and this was one of the ways for him to do that. It was also like how whenever silence would engulf them for more than a minute, Ara would abruptly, randomly and kind of awkwardly start talking and ranting over non-specific things, simply because she understood that he wasn't fond of the quietness.

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