Chapter 3

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------------> AS ARA DIDN'T REMEMBER WHETHER THE GAUNT SHACK was located at the Greater Hangleton or the Little Hangleton, Regulus, in a rather careless move that even shocked himself, suggested that they flip a coin to choose

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------------> AS ARA DIDN'T REMEMBER WHETHER THE GAUNT SHACK was located at the Greater Hangleton or the Little Hangleton, Regulus, in a rather careless move that even shocked himself, suggested that they flip a coin to choose.

Heads, they go to Little Hangleton and tails, they visit the Greater Hangleton.

The coin landed on tails.

And that was how Regulus and Ara practically wasted the afternoon as they searched every inch of the village without spotting the Shack. Luckily, an old passerby muggle lady had seen their looks of absolute confusion mixed with a little bit of fright, and had asked them what they were doing.

Regulus had looked completely repulsed that a muggle was standing so close to him and had stuck his nose so high up in the air that Ara felt that it could actually touch the star he was named after. Seeing as Regulus -despite his change in decision against Moldywart was not a big fan of muggles- Ara took the lead on this one as she flashed the elderly woman a blinding smile, looped her arm into Regulus' and lightly leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Good evening, ma'am," She began politely. 

"Good evening dear," The lady greeted, her eyes showing confusion as they darted between the smiling Ara and constipated-looking Regulus. "I see that you are looking a little lost there. May I help you with anything?" 

"Yes, please," Ara said immediately before Regulus could get a word in. "I am Bella Lestrange and this is my husband Tom." She said, tossing another smile at both, the lady and Regulus who threw her an amused look. "Please excuse him for not speaking. He had a tooth plucked out earlier today. His mouth still aches." She explained, making the old lady's eyes soften completely as she gave the young couple in front of her a sympathetic expression.

"Oh my." The lady gasped, feeling awful for having judged the young man so quickly. "I am so sorry." 

"It's completely fine." Ara said, eyes soft and smile warm. 

"I'm afraid I haven't seen the two of you before. Are you both new to the neighbourhood?" The old lady asked quickly, in an effort to change the subject.

Ara laughed, resting her head completely on Regulus' shoulders as he snaked an arm around her waist, giving off the impression that the two were a perfectly happy couple. "Actually, we are just looking around." She began. "We are planning to start a family soon and heard that the villages of Hangleton are absolutely lovely. So we decided to pay a visit and see if there are any plots of land available." 

"Yes, Hangleton is a great place to raise children." The old lady said smiling.

Ara returned her smile. "Unfortunately, we got a little mixed up." She said with a nervous laugh. "Our realtor said that we could check out the plot for somewhere called the Gaunt Shack, I believe. But he failed to mention which and where of the Hangleton villages it was located in. So, my husband and I are a little lost at finding it." 

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