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A/N: haven't done a double update in awhile :)

Olivia's POV:

Watching as every freshmen danced and talked with their friends as the electronic music practically blared throughout the entire house, I guess you can say I was annoyed.

Instead of helping out with Malia or Liam, I was forced to make sure nobody broke anything and had to keep an eye on Phoebe to make sure she wasn't doing something she would regret.

I walk inside Lydia's kitchen in time to see two guys toss a plate to each other back in forth.

"What are you, five?" I scold which causes them both to stop. "This isn't a frisbee, it's a plate that normal people use for their food. Now, get lost!" I snatch the plate from the guy's hand and put it back inside the cabinet as they quickly exited the kitchen.

"Come on Liv, you need to live a little." Phoebe gave a teasing smile as she handed me a cup filled with wine. "Get it? Liv and live?"

She was about to take a sip of her cup but I snatch it from her. "You're not drinking on my watch, Annie." I dump the wine in the sink.

"Oh, relax. I've tried it before." She scoffed. "And it's Phoebe, I've told you this."

A older man casually lugs a large keg with a dolly and places it in front of me. "Okay..." I look around and luckily, Lydia already had stormed into the kitchen as well.

"I didn't order a keg of beer." She immediately says to the man. "Especially not domestic."

"Somebody ordered it." He looks around at the people. "Are you trying to tell me nobody here wants to drink?"

I crossed my arms with annoyance. "Are you trying to test my patience?"

"Who put this here!" Lydia exclaimed, grabbing the wine glass that was placed on top of her laptop and slams it shut. "This laptop is two-thousand dollars and—oh," Her eyes land on Garrett who had been holding one of the wine bottles that was almost empty. "that bottle of wine is four-hundred."

She snatches the wine from him and looks back to the man. "How much?" She asked, referring to the keg of beer.

He hands her the bill and her eyebrows immediately furrow. "What's this extra hundred dollars?"

"I call that the 'Yes, you do look twenty-one to me' surcharge." He winked to Phoebe and I immediately push her behind me.

" He winked to Phoebe and I immediately push her behind me

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"She's sixteen, asshole." I glare and he innocently shrugged.

"Let me get you some cash." Lydia huffed and looks to me. "Can you come with me to look upstairs?"

I nod but turn to Phoebe. "Stay out of trouble. Please." I say and she rolled her eyes as she exited the kitchen.

I follow behind Lydia as we push through the crowd of freshmen, quickly going up the stairs that led to another hallway.

Bite the Bullet ➵ Allison Argent (4)Where stories live. Discover now