The New Girl

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Chapter one

The New Girl

The New Girl

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Flora Young always found the neighbor who was the same age as her quite strange but this was the first time she saw him sneaking out and that sparked her interest. The blonde girl quietly got up from the swing she had in the backyard of her house and watched as the teenage boy tried to carefully slide down from the roof he had under his window.

A small giggle escaped her lips when his sneakers let out a squeaky pitch as the boy slipped on the wet grass. "Going somewhere, Stilinski?" She called out, letting him know that she saw him.

The buzz haired boy looked around, his eyes widening when he saw Flora turning on the outdoor lamp so he could see her. "Flora." He grinned. "Hey." He nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

Flora crossed her arms on her chest and raised her eyebrows. "So where are you going?" She questioned, hoping to get something interesting out of the boy.

Stiles straightened up, trying to appear taller. "Just going to see my friend Scott." He explained with a little nod. "You probably don't know him though."

Flora stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before nodding. "I think I know him, his mom works at the hospital, right?" She asked uncomfortably, not having fond memories of Beacon Hill's hospital.

Stiles happily nodded. "That's him!" He grinned and shifted his body weight to his left leg as an awkward silence fell on the two teens. "Well, I should probably go." Stiles awkwardly smiled and pointed towards his blue jeep.

Flora snapped out of her thoughts and awkwardly smiled. "Yeah, and don't worry..."She walked closer to the fence that was separating the two houses. "...I won't say a thing to your dad." She promised and gently waved at the boy before leaving him outside alone.

A huge grin covered Stiles' features as he rushed towards his car, his excitement about the dead body and having a full conversation with Flora Young made his night and he couldn't wait to share it with his best friend Scott.

Flora sipped on the juice as she watched Stiles' blue jeep leave its usual spot.

The girl was waiting for Lydia while thinking about the boy next door; something was telling her that this wasn't the last time they would speak and it made her smile a little.

She snapped her head towards the front door when she heard loud knocking, signaling that her best friend -Lydia Martin was waiting behind the closed door.

"Finally," Flora mumbled under her breath, feeling a little annoyed that the girl was probably too focused on her jock boyfriend to realize that she was late for the traditional sleepover the two girls had every year before starting a new school year.

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