Alpha Visit

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Chapter Seventeen

Alpha Visit

Alpha Visit

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Flora yawned and wiped the coffee machine clean. Her eyes fell on the clock in the middle of the cafe making her groan, realizing that she has to spend another hour before being allowed to close the place.

But she was grateful that the cafe was opened only till noon on Saturdays, making her weekends a little calmer.

This was the first shift ever since the video store incident and she was feeling anxious about being there alone but her coworker Meredith begged her to take the shift instead of her because she was supposed to have the kids for the weekend.

And of course - Flora being the kind soul took the shift. As the blonde was making another coffee in case someone would show up she heard her text notification go off. A small smile appeared on her face when she read the message from the boy she lived next to.

I'll pick you up in an hour:) (I have some news)

Flora typed a heart emoji but then quickly deleted it and just wrote 'Sure, thanks':)' and hit send, after she took a deep breath she checked the time and groaned (again) when the clock showed that only five minutes passed.

The teenager quietly sighed and walked into the small kitchen and grabbed some vanilla ice cream to keep her busy.

Just as she was finishing the delicious dessert the bell above the door rang and caught her attention. She quickly showed the last spoon in her mouth and jumped off the kitchen table.

"Hello, what can I get you?" Flora asked without turning her head towards the customer and rushed to get her pen.

"I would like some coffee." A male voice said making her freeze in shock. The blonde shakily turned around to face the man sitting in front of her.

Peter Hale.

"So?" He smirked and took off his coat. Flora grabbed the coffee kettle and started pouring the coffee in the white cup she grabbed from the counter.

Her hand was shaking from the fear making the cup overflow.

"Do you serve other customers coffee like this Flora?" He mocked her but took a sip of the coffee anyway.

"I, Uhm." She started but Peter pointed his finger up, making her shut up. "You don't have your burn marks anymore." She pointed out quickly, hoping that it wouldn't make him angry.

But to her surprise, he let out a laugh, but not the type of laugh that would make you laugh as well, this was the laugh that sends shivers down your spine.

"You're pretty observant Flora, that's really useful in a world like this." He pointed out and took another sip of his coffee. "You have potential." He put down the cup and smirked at her.

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