Digging up bodies and playing Lacrosse

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Chapter five

Digging up bodies and playing Lacrosse

Digging up bodies and playing Lacrosse

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Flora sighed as she sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair. "How long is this going to take?" She asked the Strawberry blonde next to her.

"Not much, it's just a check-up, be patient," Lydia whispered back, putting her Bluetooth microphone into her ear. The blonde just rolled her eyes, putting on her headphones and pressing 'play' on the new Taylor Swift album.

Stiles gulped when she saw the girl, not expecting her there. 'That's my shot,' he thought and walked towards her.

"Hey, Flora." He smiled nervously. "You probably don't even know who I am beside the fact that I'm your neighbor and that my best friend is a furry. Uh, anyway, I always thought that we just had this kind of connection you know? Especially since we started talking lately. Maybe, it'd be kind of cool to get to know each other a little better." Stiles rambled, watching the girl's reaction. He felt pretty confident until he saw Lydia tapping Flora's arm.

"I think he's talking to you," Lydia said to Flora, putting back on her Bluetooth. Stiles quietly cursed under his breath when he saw the girl putting headphones out of her ears.

Flora smiled widely, seeing the boy in front of her. "Hey Stilinski, sorry, I was listening to some music, was that important?" She asked curiously.

Stiles just chuckled nervously. "No. Sorry." He quickly said and walked to the other side of the room, leaving her hanging.

Flora frowned and got up, walking towards the boy who was hiding behind a flyer about the menstrual cycle. She chuckled. "That shit is no joke huh." She smirked and grabbed it from his hands making him jump in surprise.

"W-what?" He stuttered, not knowing what she was saying. Flora just playfully rolled her eyes and pointed at the flyer. "Oh, yeah I wouldn't know." He chuckled and smiled. Flora sighed and sat down next to him.

"Look I'm sorry for not hearing that, are you sure that you don't want to repeat that?"

Stiles looked her in the eyes, getting ready to tell her how he felt for ages now. But of course - Scott McCall busted out of the morgue.

"The scent was the same." He said harshly, ignoring the girl next to Stiles.

"You sure?" The other boy asked and quickly got up. "So he did bury the other half of the body on his property," Stiles explained.

"Okay, what the hell is going on now," Flora asked watching the boys. Not one of them answered her as Stiles grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the hospital.


The boys explained everything to Flora on the way towards Derek's house, not forgetting any details.

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