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Chapter Fifteen



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"I hate you all so much, I don't even know why I agreed to this. I'm still mad at you!" Flora yelled as Scott drove even faster than before, trying to escape the car chasing them.

When the two teenage boys showed up at her doorstep with the idea of helping Derek she wanted to refuse but where's the fun in that.

"Flora? Be quiet!" Scott snapped at the girl in the backseat.

Flora gasped loudly, offended by his attitude.

"Since you kissed me without my permission I think I can say whatever I want," Flora argued, flying in the backseat since Derek's car missed a seatbelt.

"I apologized!" Scott argued.

"Can we stop talking about it please?" Stiles begged from the passenger seat, not wanting to hear about it.

"Okay," Flora mumbled and shut up, trying to stay in her seat. "Scott drive faster!" She yelled when she saw how close the car was.

Flora closed her eyes as the engine roared. 'God I hate this.'

After the full moon, Scott went to Flora's house and apologized to the girl. Flora forgave him then the minute he started talking about Allison and how much he wanted her back, realizing that it was really the full moon that got him acting that way.

What she didn't know was how hurt Stiles was.

Flora opened her eyes again when she heard the tires screeching.

"They're gone." Stiles raised his eyebrows at the girl as if she knew when the car behind them went. He quickly turned on his walkie talkie and listened to the officer.

"The suspect is on foot heading into the ironworks"

The trio shared a look of confusion before driving towards the factory.

Flora's mouth opened in shock when she saw Mr. Argent aiming at Derek.

"Get in!" She yelled at him and quickly shifted away so Stiles could sit next to her. The duo in the backseat held their breath when Argent started shooting at the car.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Flora asked the werewolf in the passenger seat.

"I had him!" Derek yelled at her, making her flinch a little.

"Who, the alpha?" Stiles questioned and moved forward so he could hear them better. Flora moved closer to the window so he could have more space.

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up." Derek fumed and punched the car.

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