Prison Break

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Chapter Twenty-one

Prison Break

Prison Break

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"You didn't have to give me a ride dad." The teenage girl whined when her father's car stopped at the school's parking lot.

The girl tried to sneak out of the house but her father caught her anyway and insisted on giving her a ride.

Ian Young sighed softly. "I know, but after what happened I don't want to let you out of my sigh, you get me?"

Flora understood her father, who wouldn't?

When your daughter is attacked by some 'animal' on the school field and then goes missing for 24 hours you might wanna keep an eye on her.

But it's been three days now and Ian refused to leave Flora alone and that annoyed her, especially since she wanted to have a private conversation with Scott and Stiles in her room.

Somehow she got rid of her dad for probably forty minutes but that was enough to catch up with the boys.

She was gone for 'only' 24 hours and another psychopath was in town.

That psychopath being Allison's grandfather.

"I understand dad, but I'm fine now and I have school." Flora kissed his cheek and quickly get out of the car, hoping that he would leave as soon as possible - and he did.

The girl let out a sigh and walked towards the brunette that was waiting for her and Lydia in front of the school.

"Hey, how you're feeling?" Allison asked her, mostly referencing to the bite.

Flora bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable by the whole 'bite' thing. "I don't know to be honest." She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't feel a thing, no need to kill someone or to grow claws."

Over the weekend Flora realized that she didn't felt any of the 'werewolf' signs and neither did Lydia which made her even more confused.

Allison nodded, feeling sorry for her friend.

"Well have you heard what happened?" She asked the girl, hoping that she could change the topic. "Issac Lahey's father got killed last night." The brunette whispered to Flora's ear.

"Issac?" Flora gasped and put her hand over her open mouth, shocked. "I sit next to him in Chemistry! Is he okay?"

Allison shrugged, not knowing the guy. "I just heard about it this morning."

"Hello, my fellow psychos." Lydia interrupted the girls with a huge grin.

Flora scoffed at her outfit, of course, that she would come back to school in a hot dress and high heels. The two girls greeted the strawberry blonde and walked towards the school together.

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