The Finale

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Chapter Thirty-one

The Finale

The Finale

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Flora was sitting in an uncomfortable chair and stared at Mrs. Morrell in front of her.

They found Matt's body the night before and the school made sure that the teenagers who knew him would talk to the school counselor.

The blonde was traumatized enough after the Saturday night but when her father told her that they found that Matt drowned under the Beacon Hills bridge - that made her feel somehow relieved.

"When you're drowning you don't actually inhale before you blackout." Flora shared her memory of drowning when she was younger.

Funny how she didn't turn into a killer.

The black-haired woman behind the desk smiled. "Stiles said the same thing." She pointed out and opened her notes. "He also said that his dad found a bunch of pictures of you on Matt's computer. He even photoshopped himself into the photos. A lot of them were full of you holding hands and kissing." Morrell added and watched the girl's reaction.

Flora closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "What do you want me to say? My father and sheriff Stilinski showed me the photos, I know how obsessed he was with me." The girl whispered, not processing what was going around her.

When Noah Stilinski showed Matt's computer to Mr.Young he had to calm him down.

Ian felt like he failed his daughter because a lot of those photos were taken outside her bedroom without either of them knowing.

"He left me anonymous notes in my locker, took creepy photos of me, and then he almost shot me." Flora sneered while rolling her eyes.

"So you don't feel sorry for Matt?" Morrell asked the girl and watched her as she was playing with her hair.

Flora sighed and put her head in her hands. "I don't wish death to people." The girl murmured. "Especially violent death." She said louder and looked at the woman. "But he deserved punishment."

The woman nodded and wrote something in her notebook before looking back at the teenage girl. "Have you talked to any of your friends? Stiles talked about you earlier."

Flora's head shot up when she heard that the boy talked about her. "He did?" Her confused expression earned a smirk from the woman. "I mean, no. I only talked to Lydia." Flora coughed, trying to hide her red cheeks. "My dad wanted me to take a break." She added quietly.

As much as Flora wanted to talk to her friends again she knew how many problems all of them had. Stiles' dad was finally sheriff again but Scott's mom found out that Scott was a werewolf and she's been avoiding him completely. And Allison? The girl was being manipulated by her grandfather after her mother's death.

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