Wrong House

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Chapter three

Wrong House

Wrong House

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It was Friday night and the party they invited Allison to was going to be in a couple of hours, making the girls slightly nervous about what they would wear.

Flora sat on Lydia's bed watching the girl trying on dresses. "So Allison is coming?" Flora puckered her lips and put on some lipgloss.

"Yeah, with that McCall guy, maybe his weird friend is coming too?" Lydia wiggled her eyebrows at her.

That sentence made Flora choke on the wine they managed to steal from Lydia's mom, making her cough.

"Don't spill it, I stole that wine from my mom," Lydia smirked and took a swing as well, wiping off the liquid that got on her chin.

"You mean Stiles? I mean yeah sure, if he shows up." The blonde girl shrugged her shoulders and sipped the alcohol, embracing the warm feeling in her chest.

"I mean I know a lot of guys hotter than him, but how he looks at you with those pretty eyes, you know." Lydia smiled and grabbed the bottle.

"He looks at me with pretty eyes? I mean yeah his eyes aren't that bad I guess?" Flora was confused, why on earth was Lydia talking about Stilinki's eyes? Flora didn't have the time to check his eyes.

Lydia clicked her tongue in annoyance at her clueless friend.

"Ugh, you're so clueless, let's go." The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes, threw a jean jacket at her friend, and dragged her out of the house.

The two girls were ready to party.


The party was getting more and more interesting, at least for Flora, since she already drank a whole bottle of wine and did some shots as well.

She danced a little, ate some appetizers, flirted with some lacrosse players, and then she just grabbed a glass full of alcohol and stood on the side, watching the drunk teenagers in front of her.

It was your typical high school party; drunk teenagers kissing, dancing. Someone was vomiting in the corner into a vase and two girls were already passed out on the couch.

Flora sipped on the gin tonic in her hand and hummed along with the sound of Katty Perry's 'Teenage Dream', enjoying the mood of the room.

Her eyes landed on Allison and Scott, making her smile. They looked like two adorable puppies, trying to dance.

A hint of jealousy appeared in her chest as she remembered that she wished for something like that.

Flora's smile turned into a frown when she saw Scott walking away from Allison.

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