The Stranger In The Woods

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Chapter two

The Stranger In The Woods

The Stranger In The Woods

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"Uhm hey?" Scott asked the girl standing in front of the blue jeep. The shaggy-haired boy looked confused by the sigh of Lydia's friend in front of Stiles' car.

"Hey, McCall." Flora smiled and threw her phone in her purse. "Is Stilinski here already? I'm helping you find your missing inhaler." She smiled.

It took a lot of sassy responses from Lydia to finally let the blonde girl go and let Stiles to drive her home - of course, Flora 'forgot' to mention the fact that she was basically going with him and Scott to find a lost inhaler in the woods where they found a dead body.

Scott threw her a skeptical look. "He's right behind me, you're coming with us?" He asked, not believing her.

"Hell yeah, I love the woods!" Flora laughed and immediately opened the passenger door when she saw Stiles opening the car. "Hey, neighbor." She greeted the boy, noticing the red color that appeared on his cheeks.

"Flora you're getting in the backseat." Stiles pointed in the back, trying to seem cool and ignoring Scott's confused glare.

"Why? I mean I know that I'm kinda the third wheel in here but back seat? That's kinda rough." She pouted at the teenage boy, making him blush.

"J-just get In the back okay?" He stuttered before getting dragged away by Scott, leaving the girl in the backseat while the boys talked outside where she couldn't hear them.

"Why is she coming with us?" Scott barked at his best friend, nodding towards the car.

Stiles shrugged. "Because she wanted to?"

Scott raised his eyebrows, waiting for a real answer.

Stiles sighed. "Listen, you know how I get when she even lets me know that she knows I exist." He defended himself. "It's cool." He shrugged and opened the jeep's door. "Get in and shut up."

Flora excitedly bounced in the backseat when the two boys finally got in the car. "Yay!" She cheered and leaned against the passenger seat. "So tell me everything about last night!"


"So you got bit by an animal in the woods?" Flora asked Scott for the second time.

"The answer is still the same Flora." Scott rolled his eyes.

Flora looked at Stiles and then at Scott. "This idiot got bit by a wild animal and he didn't bother to go to the hospital? For a check-up? Wow, you're dumb" She scoffed as she leaned back into the seat, unbuckling herself when the car stopped.

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