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Chapter Twenty



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Everything changed when Flora and Lydia were in a coma; Stiles figured out that it was Kate Argent who burned down the Hale house.

Then he and Jackson helped with stopping Peter who was killed by Derek (who became an Alpha thanks to that), oh and Peter also slashed Kate's throat in front of Allison.

It was just your typical evening in Beacon Hills.

Now, thirty-six hours later the two teenage boys sneaked into the hospital room of Flora Young and Lydia Martin.

"You do it." Stiles pointed at the sleeping girl after they checked Lydia's injury. "What? You know that I don't like blood." Stiles shrugged when he saw Scott rolling his eyes. The shaggy-haired boy walked towards the girl and slowly peeled off the bandage.

Flora surprisingly spoke up the second she felt a hand trying to get off the bandage she had on her shoulder. "Not yours to touch mister." She mumbled with closed eyes, hoping that the person would go away.

"Flora?" Two voices squeaked when the girl spoke. The girl only nodded but still kept her eyes closed, it was probably the meds talking.

"It's the same as Lydia, it's not healed," Scott whispered to his best friend, not wanting the girl to hear what was happening around her.

"So what does that mean?" Stiles asked and checked out the injury on Flora's shoulder.

"They're not werewolves," Scott announced and slowly put the bandage back on the girl's shoulder, trying not to wake her up.

Stiles nodded and ran a hand over his face, frustrated by the whole situation.

"We should go before my mom gets here," Scott said and started walking away, but stopping when he noticed that his friend was still standing next to Flora's bed.

"They never asked for any of this Scott, both of them just went to the formal to have fun," Stiles explained when he saw Scott's confused expression. "And Lydia? She doesn't even know that supernatural world exists." He pointed at the sleeping Strawberry blonde.

"I didn't ask for this either but somehow we managed, they will as well."


Flora laughed as her father told her and Lydia one of his lame jokes, trying to make them laugh.

"Dad, " For spoke up. "Did Stiles stopped by? I haven't seen him yet." She knew she hit the nerve when he stopped talking about his teenage years.

Lydia nervously bit into the apple she got from one of the nurses, starting to feel uncomfortable by the tension that came when Flora asked about Stiles.

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