The Alpha

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Chapter Sixteen

The Alpha

The Alpha

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Flora laughed as Stiles threw his backpack on the ground and hurried towards his laptop.

"Make yourself at home, I mean you already slept over." He pointed at the bed and turned on the laptop.

Flora blushed a little at the drunk memory, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey, Stiles!" Flora's lips turned into a small smile when she heard Stiles' dad.

"Yo, Derek," Stiles said nervously. Flora tilted her head in confusion before turning her attention to the spot where stood Derek Hale.

"What are yo-" The girl couldn't finish her sentence because Derek shut her up with a single gesture.

He pointed at the door, hoping that Stiles would get rid of his dad.

Stiles just nodded and walked out of his room.

As the duo quietly listened to the conversation between the father and the son they got awfully close so Flora took a step back and sat on the bed but she quickly stood up when she saw Derek shoving Stiles against the door.

"If you say one word..." Derek started threatening the boy but Stiles was having none of it.

"What, you mean like, 'Hey, dad, Derek Hale is in my room. Bring your gun'?" He spat at the guy holding him by his neck.

Derek blinked in surprise and slowly pulled his hand away from Stiles' face.

"Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules buddy." Stiles hissed and slapped his other hand away.

Flora grinned at the boy, finding it extremely hot.

'Wait no, not hot.' She thought before sitting back on the bed. Flora blinked rapidly, trying to push the thought away.

"Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek's question disturbed the blonde's thoughts and she just shook her head.

"He's still working on it," Stiles answered. "But there's something else we can try."

Derek and Flora shot him a confused look, not knowing what he meant.

Stiles pointed at Flora as if she already knew what he was talking about.

"The night we were trapped at the school Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there," Stiles explained, noticing that Flora realized what he meant.

"So?" Derek asked, not knowing where this information was going.

"So it wasn't Scott." Flora went on with Stiles' theory and walked towards him.

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