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Chapter Twenty-six



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Flora was currently having dinner at the police station with Stiles and his father because her dad was working late and she didn't want to be in the house alone.

"What the hell is this?" Noah Stilinski asked the teenagers that were sitting in front of him. After the first bite, he realized that his burger wasn't what he usually had.

The two teens exchanged looks. "Veggie burger," Stiles answered and took a bite of his normal burger. Flora hummed and took a sip of her soda.

The older Stilinski put the burger on the plate. "I asked for a hamburger." He argued and looked at the girl for help.

"Veggie us healthier. We're being healthy." Stiles reminded his father before pointing at Flora. "Don't look at her for help, she's a vegetarian, she won't help you." He said with a full mouth.

Noah Stilinski could pass on the burger but when he saw the celery and carrots instead of fries he sighed and closed the box. "Why are you trying to ruin my life?" He asked his son with a loud sigh.

Flora swallowed the rest of her bite. "He's trying to extend your life Mr. Stilinski." The girl took Stiles' side with a positive smile.

Stiles nodded proudly and smirked at his father, knowing that he won. "Just eat it and tell us what you found out." The boy insisted.

Stilinski shook his head and looked at his son as if he fell on his head. "I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenagers." He denied it and took a bite of the veggie burger he had to eat.

But the two teens looked at the board behind him with all the connections and clues. Noah noticed the looks. "Don't look at that." He ordered even though he knew that they wouldn't listen.

"I see arrows pointing at pictures." Stiles sassed the man.

Flora agreed and took a good look at the photos on the board. The photos of the victims were looking at her as if she knew something.

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife. All the same age. All twenty-four." Sheriff Stilinski admitted to the two kids.

Flora looked at the board behind the man's shoulder and then back at him. "Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty-four though." She pointed out, realizing that the young's werewolf father was also murdered.

Flora's remark started a conversation between the group that made the older Stilinski pull out a file. "Did you know that Isaac had an older brother named Cameron?"

Stiles and Flora noticed the huge red writing over the file. 'Died in combat' Flora's fingers ran over the text before sighing. "He would be twenty-four right?" The girl connected the dots which made the Sheriff quietly nod.

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