New Werewolf in Town

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Chapter Twenty-two

New Werewolf in Town

New Werewolf in Town

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"It's so hard to hide the relationship from my parents, especially since my grandfather decided to be the principal, you know?" Allison ranted to the two girls in front of her.

Lydia groaned, letting the girls know that her fresh single heart didn't give a damn about relationships.

"I get it, especially when you're in a situation like this right?" Flora pointed out, not trying to let the word 'supernatural' slip out since Lydia still had no idea.

"Yup." Allison said and popped out the 'p'. "I think we're ready to go right?" She asked the strawberry blonde that was leaning against the lockers, already dressed up in her PE clothes.

"Finally." Lydia groaned and walked towards the gym, leaving the two girls behind.

"Go, I'll just put on my shoes." The blonde smiled at Allison and then watched her walk away.

Flora hated PE, she hated when people yelled at her and since Coach Finstock could only yell at people that made her hate PE even more.

She smirked at her reflection in the mirror as she put in her sneakers. Her blue sports bra made her feel somehow confident and her ponytail was dangerously high.

Just when she was about to leave the room she noticed a small figure in the back.

"Erica?" Flora called out the blonde's name when she saw her sitting on the bench in the back of the locker room. Flora didn't really know the girl, she just knew that she was ill and was made fun of.

"Yeah?" Erica looked up, hoping that the girl in front of her wouldn't realize that she was crying.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" The blonde hurried towards her and sat down in front of her.

Erica blinked, surprised that Flora Young showed concern, but again - everyone thought that Flora was a sweetheart.

"I'm okay, it's just my first PE class since my last hospitalization." The curly-haired girl admitted and looked at the ground, embarrassed that she even had a health issue.

Flora's eyes softened when she saw how insecure Erica felt. "Hey, it's okay, if you need a break you can tell me and I'll talk to Finstock okay?" She showed the girl an uplifting smile before standing up. "Now c'mon, let's show the boys what girls can do." Flora lifted her arm, waiting for Erica to grab it. "Don't let me persuade you." She said in a singing voice.

Erica sniffled and slowly grabbed Flora's hand, still unsure if she should go with the girl. But the minute Flora nudged the girl Erica let out a soft laugh. Flora giggled and dragged the girl out of the room.

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