Full Moon

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Chapter Fourteen

Full Moon

Full Moon

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"I'm surprised your dad let you out." Lydia smiled as she mixed the Jagermeister and Red Bull in front of her friends.

Flora only groaned and jumped on Lydia's bed, earning a chuckle from Allison.

After the night at school, Ian Young yelled at his daughter for the first time in ages.

At one point Flora was pretty sure she should call the ambulance because his head looked like it would explode any minute.

But after receiving a phone call from Noah Stilinski he surprisingly calmed down and told Flora to go to her room.

"Yeah, I'm surprised he let Stiles go, I kinda expected to see him cleaning his knife collection when I woke up." The blonde joked and took a swing out of the bottle. She grimaced when the dark liquid went down her throat. "Ugh, it's better with Red Bull." Just as she turned towards her friends she saw how they looked at her already. "What?" She blinked, not expecting the attention.

Allison and Lydia shared a look and smirked. "So what about Stiles?" Allison asked calmly as she rolled on her stomach.

Lydia smiled innocently and started playing with her hair. "Yeah, is he doing okay after the night at the school?" She asked her friend and sat down, handing the cups of alcohol to the girls.

"Yeah? I guess?" Flora raised her eyebrows at the girls but raised her glass. "To us! Fuck boys!" The blonde shouted and winked at Allison, knowing that she broke it off with Scott after the night at school.

Even though Flora knew what happened she just couldn't tell Allison, so she played along.

Flora was feeling rather tipsy when the empty bottle of Jagermeister fell into the crash. She wanted to stop drinking but she noticed how her strawberry blonde friend opened a bottle of vodka.

"We're doing a world tour!" Lydia squealed and mixed the clear liquor with orange juice. Flora shrugged and chugged the glass, pointing at Lydia and telling her to pour another one before walking towards the bathroom.

The blonde frowned as she sat on the toilet and saw that neither Stiles of Scott send her a text. So she decided to text Stiles first.

To: Stiles
Yo whatsup???? How is your bald head doing?

She smiled proudly as she hit the "sent" button. Her phone went back to the packet of her bell bottoms jeans as she washed her hands and left the bathroom.

Flora was extremely grateful that Lydia's mom was away because in Mrs. Martin's eyes she was always a good influence.


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