Library attack

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Chapter Twenty-seven

Library Attack

Library Attack

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"I don't think we thought this through very well." The Stilinski boy whispered to his friends when his father introduced them to Jackson's father David that was sitting next to Jackson who was dressed up in Sheriff's jacket to keep him warm.

"I could have told you that about ten fucks ups ago." The girl whispered back while trying to smile at the men in front of them. 'We are so fucked.' She thought.

The three teens were alone in the Sheriff's office as Stiles' dad was discussing something with Jackson's father.

Scott and Stiles were talking to Allison over the phone and Flora was sitting on the couch, nervously playing with her fingers.

She knew that this was the one thing that her father wouldn't let her get away with. Sneaking out to party was one thing but stealing a police van and kidnapping a teenage boy? That was something completely different.

Sadly, Flora just couldn't tell her father that Jackson is out there killing people while looking like a human-sized lizard.

Her dark, brown eyes followed the two boys as one of them stood next to the table and the second one was walking around the room.

It appeared that Mrs. Morell translated the Latin part of the Bestiary wrong and it actually meant that the Kanima seeks a master, not a friend. And that was another information that made Flora anxious, another psychopath running around her hometown? Yeah, that was something she could live without.

"What if it's the same thing that happened with Flora and Lydia when they took off from the hospital?"

Stiles' question made Flora stand up quickly and rush towards the table where the two boys were standing. Every time some mentioned her and Lydia's little adventure it only made her mad.

"A fugue state?"

Flora flinched when she heard Allison saying the words. Everything connected to the weird situation made her skin crawl.

"He still thinks that he's becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing," Stiles answered the brunette's question as if they were sure that Jackson didn't remember a thing.

Flora scoffed. "Yeah, and he was a real asshole about it too." She sassed and rolled her eyes.

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?"

Allison's question was answered a couple of minutes later when Flora watched as Noah Stilinski quoted a restraining order to the two teenage boys.

"You will not go within 59 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault him or harass him physically or psychologically."

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