Winter formal

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Chapter Nineteen

Winter Formal

Winter Formal

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Flora took a sip of the already spiked punch, clicking her tongue.

It had too much vodka for her taste but she didn't mind as she wanted to get lose and enjoy the night.

Her eyes followed Lydia and her date, slow dancing on the dance floor.

Stiles saw how Flora looked at her best friend dancing so he cleared his throat, catching her attention.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked her with a nervous smile.

Flora grinned at the boy, nodding slowly. Stiles smirked and grabbed her hand.

Both of them felt the nervous tension between them so Flora stepped closer to the boy and leaned her head on his chest, swaying to the slow beat.

Stiles' cologne was hitting her nose and it made her feel somehow relaxed.

The teenage boy wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers and nervously placed his hands on her hips.

Both of them danced with their eyes closed, enjoying the moment of normality.

"McCall! I see you!" Flora's head snapped up when she heard Coach yelling at Scott who couldn't be at the formal (thanks to the fact that he was failing his economic class). "Come here, buddy!" Coach shouted and beckoned his finger, walking towards the teen.

Flora and Stiles observed the absurd chase between their friend and the teacher, laughing at the sight of Scott dragging Danny to the dance floor.

"McCall! You're not supposed to..." Coach Finstock stopped when he saw Scott's hands behind Danny's shoulders. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked the boy, catching the attention of the whole gym.

"Yes, coach?" Scott played dumb and stepped even closer to Danny.

A roar of laughter escaped Flora's mouth as she watched the confused look on Coach's face.

She quickly covered her mouth when Coach started explaining to the students what he meant. "Just dance! It's a dance!" He yelled and walked away quickly.

Stiles send a thumbs up to Scott, laughing as well. "I can't with him." He whispered and looked at Flora who was laughing and shaking her head.

"He's an idiot." The girl stated and put her hands behind Stiles' neck, dancing again.

After maybe three songs a feminine voice interrupted them.

"Have you seen Jackson?" Lydia rushed towards them, making them snap out of their little world. The duo shared a confused look.

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