0Chapter Eleven

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Jordan POV

The people around us looked at us smiling and clapping their hands oblivious to what was happening, they then focus their attention back to the screen looking at the next person. My eyes on the other hand were straight on the guy who was next to me and he held the same gaze as mine. It was like the world went still; there was no one but me and him on the hall

“Jordan” he said in a soft voice still looking at me. And I was awakened from my trance by the crowd applauding someone else and that was my queue to leave that place. I stood up, took my bag and began walking out of the hall when a hand touched my shoulder and pulled me back

“Please don’t leave again please” he said softly. I looked deep into his eyes and it felt like I was transported back to our prom dance when he looked at me while we danced. I couldn’t take it so I ran before I began crying. I walked out the door and looked around trying to find something that would take me away from this place. I walked down the road, not knowing where I was going just to get away from this place. I had a feeling that I was being followed, making me more anxious so I quickened my pace and got into the nearest door opened which was a bar. I took in my surroundings and saw that this place was full of old people and mostly couples and there was a band playing at the stage. I walked to the bar counter and I sat there searching through my purse for my card, my last money and I bought two shots of whiskey.  I gulped them very quickly and asking for more shots. I felt someone take a seat beside me but didn’t bother to  look at the person because it might be  just another person who came to get a drink

“I’ll have what she is having” the familiar voice beside me said sending shivers to my body like it did 9 years ago. I continued looking at the band performing cool country love song and I ignored the presence of the person besides me

“You know I won’t go anywhere until you give me a chance to talk to you” he said again and I chose to ignore him. I am going to ignore him the whole night until he gives up

“And I mean it, I can and will sit here until you turn and look at me “he said ‘What does he want from me?’ I thought as I ordered more shots. As I ordered shot so  did he, doing  the same thing when I took a shot he took it doing exactly what I’m doing

“you know I’m driving and you are making me drunk” he said and my back was still turned towards him I peeked a glance at him and saw him looking straight at me I quickly looked away and took another shot, and I could tell that I was getting a bit tipsy so I decided to call Suzanne only to find that there is no signal here

“There is no signal here ma’am and the only way you will find a good reception is if you go to the school” the bartender said to me ,seeing me trying to call someone

“Are there any cabs around here that I could take?’’ I asked the bartender looking at him and trying to sit properly because I was beginning to see things in doubles.

“Unfortunately at this time they aren’t any” the bartender said to me

“you know I could always  drive you home Jay” the voice beside me said making my heart skip a beat when he mentioned the name he gave me back in high school. I ignored him again and asked for another shot and he did the same thing too and gulped it down the way I just did

“What exactly is you problem, what do you want from me?’’I asked turning to look at him

“I think we already established that hey, I just want to talk to you Jordan” he said looking at me 

“ well  I don’t want to talk to you “I said looking at everything except him, I focused my gaze on a couple who  were dancing , they looked so in love you could see it by the way they were looking at each other

“Then I’m not leaving until you do” he said suddenly and I could tell that he was smirking. I continued looking at the couple imagining if it was me, if I was the girl dancing with the man I love, and one that would not hurt and break my heart

“Why did you leave for so long?, where did you go” Kyle asked suddenly, I had to turn and look at him because the tone of  his voice sounded hurt. I tried finding rational lies to tell him but I came up with, my mind was blocked

“I had to’’ I said after a while, my voice coming out hoarse

“Why?”he asked again and I went quiet, jut quiet looking down at nothing in particular until I looked up to hear what the bartender was announcing

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are closing up in two minutes so please finish your drinks and vacate the premises” he said and I stood up preparing to leave, but my feet would allow me to stand up straight, when I tried getting up I almost fell on the ground if it was not for the guy beside me because he held me from touching the ground. I stood up while he balanced me. I walked   slowly and steadily to the door and Kyle behind me. I quickened my pace or tried to because he was walking right next to me, we walked quietly towards the school and saw only one car at the parking lot and the gym gate closed, ‘how long was I in the bar’ I asked myself

“Come, I’m taking you home” he said going to the car

“No, I’l be okay” I said sitting on the bench outside

“Oh c’mon now please don’t fight with me over this please, just get in Jordan, it is not safe here” he said. I looked around and it was indeed creepy. So I swallowed my pride and got into his car. He started the car and began reversing from the parking lot heading to my home

“I’m not going  there, Keera doesn’t know I’m here and I don’t think she’s here’’ I said to him as I remembered she mentioning that she might be travelling out of town but I didn’t hear when

“So where must I go?” he said, his eyes on the road

“I don’t know the directions “I said closing my eyes with my palms groaning

“I was visiting my cousin so I don’t know the directions there, they were going to get me, and I had to call them” I said groaning and rubbing my head

“And it’s late now for you to call them” he said taking a peek at me and back on the road

“Uhggg, what am I gonna do, I don’t know this place anymore” I said quietly and I heard him chuckle

“Don’t worry I have an extra room” he said turning on the mp3 player in the car and playing the song we were dancing to at the reunion

“Well I don’t know where and I don’t know when

But I know we’ll be lovers again

I’ll see you someday before the end

I don’t know where and I don’t know when

But oh darling my heart's on fire

For you"

The song played and kept repeating. I drive was too peaceful and quiet with the the song playing that I eventually felt my eyes slightly closing, I was tired and I felt that but I tried to fight back the sleep. I finally gave up and fell into a peaceful sleep

What I felt next was my body being lifted and carried, the car and music had stopped but I couldn’t open my eyes. I felt something being draped on my shoulders inhaled a scent that was so foreign and yet good to my nose then I heard a door unlock and and the motion continued until it stopped

My body was laid in a something soft and comforting then I opened my eyes to meet a pair of grey eyes looking sincerely at me. I took a deep breath but not breaking the gaze of the person on top of me, I slowly lifted my hand to touch his face, and the eyes never tore from mine. 

Kyle leaned down towards me  and before I knew it his lips were entwined with mine, automatically my eyes closed and I felt myself being pulled towards him, he kissed me gently at first, and as we kept kissing he deepened the kiss. I pulled away to catch my breath and his looked into his eyes 

“oh Jordan” he said breathlessly and what I saw in his eyes was something I’ve never seen in anyone , not even  in James, what I saw in Kyle’s eyes was what couple in the bar had in their eyes and he leaned down to kiss me again. We had an endless night of passion and pleasure . this was not just a drunken one night stand,  it felt like more, this was love  

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