Ash's accident

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Machines beeping, pacing footsteps, and stifled cries echoed in the hospital room. Ash lay unconscious, in a hospital bed, wires coming off his arms, and an oxygen mask over his mouth.

Everyone who had traveled with him was present, except for one. She was running late, because her flight was delayed. But everyone was in distress. Pikachu was absent from the group. He had to be taken to the Pokémon center because of how exhausted he was from staying by Ash's side for days. Pikachu didn't want to leave, he wanted to make sure his best friend was ok. No one wanted to believe what happened. A dear friend, a selfless, kind, heroic young man was hurt, badly and they didn't know if he would ever wake up.

"What do we do?" Serena asked aloud, tears still running down her face.

"Well, the doctor said we should talk to him. Maybe he could hear us?" Iris stated, trying not to show how sad she truly was. 

"Ok, I'll go first." Misty stepped forward.

"Wait!" Serena interjected. "I...I want to do it." 

Misty crossed her arms "I'm doing it. I may not be in love with him anymore and be in a relationship with Tracey, but he is still one of my best friends. I'm going first." Misty stated assertively. Serena backed down, and let her go first. Misty approached the bed and began "Ash, it's Misty. Remember, all the fun times we had?" There was no response. 

Meanwhile, Dawn was running. Running nonstop until she reached the hospital where he was. She had been running since she got off the plane. She arrived at the hospital and bolted to the hospital room. 

"Ma'am you can't go back there!" A security guard called after her. But, Dawn wouldn't stop. She couldn't. However, the guard caught up to her and stopped her. "Ma'am you, can't-"

"Oh, Dawn there you are." May greeted as she opened door to the room. "Come on, your the last one." The guard let go of her and Dawn entered the room. 

"How is he?" Dawn whispered. 

By the look on May's face, Dawn knew it couldn't be good. May opened the door wider for her. Dawn walked in and her heart shattered at the sight. The boy she loved, was hurt. She began to sob and had to turn away. 

"Oh, Ash." Dawn cried. "Why did this have to happen to him?" 

May had to hug her friend to comfort not just Dawn, but herself. Drew wasn't there to do so, because he wasn't that close with Ash, and he had his own family matters that he said he would rather handle on his own. 

Misty just finished her attempt at talking to him and went back to her boyfriend's side. "Ok, who's next?" Misty asked.

Before Serena could speak, Dawn said "Can...can I, please?" No one objected, not even Serena. So she approached the bed. "Ash...I...I miss you so much. Please...please wake up. I want to tell you...that...I..." Dawn paused, the whirlwind of emotions was to much for her to handle. She felt like she was going to be sick. "I have to go!" Dawn bolted out of the room toward the bathrooms. 

May ran after Dawn to make sure she was ok. "Dawn? You ok?" May call into the bathroom that Dawn had run into. She found her knelt in front of a toilet. "Dawn?" 

"I can't stand to see him like that. I wanted to be strong, but it hurts so bad." Dawn cried as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 

"Did you ever tell him?" May asked softly, as she sat beside her, in the open stall. 

"Tell him what?" Dawn asked, the tears still flowing. 

"How you feel about him." May clarified.

Dawn turned away "No, I never did...and now...what if it's to late?" 

"Hey this is Ash Ketchum we are talking about. There is nothing he can't get through. He will be ok, I know it. We have all seen Ash come out of some pretty sticky situations, but he always came out ok." May assured. 

"How can you be so sure?" Dawn questioned, still doubtful.

"The same way I knew about your feelings for Ash, I can see it and know it without a doubt. Now come on and clean yourself up so we can go back." May informed. 

"O..ok." Dawn choked. She stood up and washed her face in the sink, and May slowly walked her back. 

Back in the hospital room, right after Dawn ran out, Ash began to mutter some unknown words aloud.

"Ash?" Serena chirped, thinking he was going to wake up. 

Brock looked at on of the machines intently. He had indeed become a Pokémon doctor, but he did also learn how to work with other machines and how to read them.

"Oh my! Ash might actually wake up!" Brock exclaimed to the group.

Ash groaned in response, as he slowly fluttered his eyes open. Everyone was silent, in shock and also over joyed. Ash sat up slowly, and took the oxygen mask off.

"What happened?" Ash questioned as he looked around the room. Serena stepped forward and reached out to hug him, but he subconsciously winced, so she decided against it. Ash looked around the room, and looked a bit disappointed "Where is Dawn?"

"She wasn't feeling well, so she stepped outside." Iris answered. 

"Oh." Ash stated. 

"Hey, you have me." Serena smiled. 

Suddenly, the door opened, Dawn and May entered. Ash's eyes lit up.

"Dawn?" Ash announced. 

"Ash?" Dawn's gaze shot to Ash. New tears poured down her already wet face "Ash!" Dawn squealed and ran up, capturing him in a hug. 

Ash instantly hugged her back. Oh, how he missed this girl so much, and how good it felt to have her back. Even with the pain he was in, Dawn somehow made the pain disappear. 

Dawn began to sob on his shoulder. "I've missed you so much! Please don't ever let this happen again. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." Dawn cried. 

Ash smiled and whispered "I'll try my best." 

Dawn kissed his cheek and whispered "I love you, Ash."

"I love you too, Dawn." Ash replied, a slight blush stained his cheeks. 

The room was silent, almost all of them happy for their friends. Well, except Serena, she was heart broken, but didn't want to show it. 

Soon all their friends left, except for Dawn. She wanted to spend as much time with Ash as she could, and Ash couldn't be happier. Dawn stayed and supported him as he healed and once that was done, the new couple decided to travel together again.


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