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(So this whole chapter is dedicated to @InfinityDavis because she helped me with my writers block since shes amazing like that)


"I honestly don't even want to go to this damn meeting." I mumbled as Liam and I walked through the front doors of the school I attended. "I think it's pointless." I huffed.

"Jasmine, you were just telling me the other day you couldn't wait to get this meeting out of the way. Jeez you're so indecisive sometimes I swear." He sounded annoyed with me as we walked into the main office, immediately being pulled into the principles office.

I rolled my eyes while I was walking behind him and sat in the red uncomfortable chair next to Liams as we waited for the principle to sit at her desk. 

"Nice to meet you Mister Payne." She reached out to shake liam's hand, holding on a bit too long. "Now the purpose of this meeting is to talk about what's best for Jasmine at this point considering her situation."

I sighed. "It's not a situation. I'm just pregnant." 

"Whatever." She waved me off and continued talking to Liam and I ignored the conversation.

Maybe I should just drop out of school altogether. I mean it's not like I'm going to go to college or anything after highschool. Right now I think They were talking about the homeschool option and I rolled my eyes, hoping liam didn't see me, luckily for me he didn't.

The meeting went one for twenty five minutes and then she stood up. "Alright, give me a call and we can get this homeschooling set up for Jasmine." She smiled at Liam, shaking his hand once again.

He nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"Alright, have a nice day." She smiled and that was our cue to leave the room.

"Are you staying and finishing the day?" I was asked by Liam as we made our way down the hallway towards the main doors. 

"Nope." I answered, popping the 'p'. "I want to drop out." I dropped the bomb.

Sliding into the drivers seat and turning the car on he looked at me as I buckled myself in. "What? You can't, you have to get into college so you can get a decent job." 

I scoffed. "And you think I can do that? You really think I can do that when I'm going to have a baby?"

He nodded. "Yes, I think you can. Many people do. Sure, it's hard but I know how you are, once you have something in your head you won't let it go. So let's get college and a job in your head instead of dropping out. I won't let you do that. Just try homeschool." 

I sighed and looked out the window, watching the buildings pass by as we drove. "Fine." I mumbled not saying another word after that.




Okay so update! 

Next update I think I'm going to have it be set in January and Jasmine is three months along. (I honestly dont think I actually set a time frame oops and if I did can someone please tell me?) 

I love you guys!

1) So the first week of December I most likely won't be updating because I have alot of stuff going on and I'm going to be too emotional to be able to update so I'm sorry for that in advance.

2) SOON I'm going to have a new Larry Stylinson book up called The Love Of The Game and a new short story up also ( I haven't named it yet but its a Ashton Irwin and Louis Tomlinson Daddy fanfic for my best friend)

QOTC: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? I like to read and write :)

Vote and comment what you thought please.


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