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Time skip. im gonna say about 3 months so shes 4.5 months along now in this chapter. It'll be February. I always forget what I set the time frame as or if I ever set a time frame.. Oops, but yeah it's February.


"Babe, it's time to wake up, you have your doctors appointment today remember?" I awoke to the familiar sound of Liams voice coaxing me awake. 

"I don't want to get up." I grumbled, pulling the blankets closer and covering my head with them, I was tired. "I'm too tired." I whined when he pulled the blankets off me and chuckled. 

"But you have to, you've already cancelled your last two appointments you have to go to this one, besides don't you want to figure out the sex of the baby?"  He asked, walking to the other side of the room and throwing a shirt on. 

I tiredly sat up in bed, swinging my legs over the side and stood up, stretching my limbs. 

Liam and I had moved about a month ago, to Manchester from Sheffield where we happened to live before. 

I walked to the dresser I had in the room I share with liam and started pulling clothes out and throwing them on quickly, not caring what I looked like at the moment, I was too tired to make an effort to actually look good today. 

"Goodmorning baby girl." Liam smiled, walking towards me and embracing me into a hug, kissing my forehead at the same time. 

I smiled to myself as I returned the kiss, kissing him on the cheek. "Morning. Are you ready to go?" I asked him and he nodded, sliding his shoes on his feet and walked out of the room. 

About ten minutes later we were both in the car on the way to the doctors. 

I set my hands on my baby bumb that stuck out a bit. 

Liam and I have been together together for nearly two months now, we had to hide it when we still lived in Sheffield because we knew a lot of people there and they knew that Liam was my 'father'. But now that we live in Manchester nobody knows us so we don't have to hide like we used to. I smiled to myself when I thought back to when we first moved here.

"What are you thinking about? I see that smile on your face." Liam chuckled, keeping his brown eyes on the road in front of him.

I shrugged. "Just thinking about when we first moved here." 

I watched him as he smirked and brought his right hand and placed it on my upper thigh. "I think about that quite a bit too." 

I giggled a bit and playfully smacked his shoulder earning a pout from him. 

"So what do you want the baby to be?" He asked changing the subject.

"I honestly don't care what it is, as long as he or she is healthy. 

He nodded. "I think the same." And he parked the car after about 15 minutes of driving. "Alrighty, lets go in!" 


"Jasmine?" My name was called out and I stood up from my spot in the waiting room, with Liam right behind me. "Nice to see you again." The nurse smiled as she led us to the room where the ultrasound would take place. 

"Same to you." I said back and took my place on the bed in the room, lifting my shirt up so my belly was showing. 

The nurse grabbed the ultrasound wand and grabbed the gel. "This is going to be cold." 

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "I get told this every time." 

She chuckled a bit and started with the ultrasound, the heartbeat being heard instantly. "So do you want to know the sex of the baby yet?" She looked at both me and Liam and we both nodded. "Congratulations, you're having a baby boy." She furrowed her eyebrows moments later and looked at the screen more closely. "Wait a minute. I suppose you two didn't know she was having twins?"

My eyes widened and I nearly pissed myself at that statement. "Twins?!" I shouted.

"Yep, a boy and a girl." She shut the machine off and gave me a paper towel to wipe the gel off my stomach. "Congratulations." She smiled and left the room, leaving me wide eyed. 

"Oh god." I put my head in my hands and tried to keep myself from crying. "I can't deal with twins."

"Yes you can. Well we can." Liam spoke finally and grabbed my hand with his. "Let's go find something to eat and then go home. Don't get yourself too worried about this love, okay?"

I nodded. "Alright." 

Kissing me on the lips lightly he spoke. "Good, I love you. now lets go."




Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was planning on it but I happened to get really sick and slept most of the day.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, Its longer than usual! Nearly one thousand words!

QOTC:  (Im running out of questions) Whats your favorite food? 

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