Thirty Six

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Sam couldn't care less when I told him about Gio. Ang sagot lang niya ay problema ko na 'yon at wala na siyang pake. He gave me by the end of the week to do whatever I have to do if I ever want to be with Clyde, because if not, he'll take him away from me.

On the night of the day Sam told me about his plans, I burrowed myself in the shower crying for two hours. Gio found me, but for some other reasons, I can't tell him why I was weeping or tell him about Sam's evil plan.

I just couldn't.

Gio endured my silence until now, a day before my deadline. I knew this was coming but somehow, I was afraid on how things will end.

"Wifey, you've got to tell me what's going on. Hindi ko na kaya 'yang pananahimik mo. Kung may problema sabihan mo ako. It's you and me against the problem, not you vs me vs the problem. Hindi ko ito maiintindihan kung hindi mo sasabihin. You said it so yourself, no more secrets between us." He pleaded, when he finally cornered me in our room after Clyde's gotten to his night's sleep.

He was standing by the door, pain and confusion clouding his handsome face. I started crying, this is probably the last time I'll be seeing his beautiful face, hearing his contagious laugh, tasting his mouth watering kisses.

Never once in my life did I ever think that I would eventually choose between my son and the love of my life. Because it is unfair. Fucking unfair. Nobody should go through this.

Gio begun to panic and took long strides to be beside me at the edge of our bed, enclosing me into his soothing hug. He was rocking me, showering kisses on top of my head, while I cry out my frustrations on his shoulders. He was whispering a lot of things, but one thing hit me the hardest. It was him telling me that everything will be alright because we have each other.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to be the one to break his heart. I don't want to betray his trust. I don't want to turn away from him. He's my home, my comfort in this monstrous world.

But, no matter how I put it, Sam will always have the authority over Clyde. It scares me. I don't want Clyde growing up without parental love blanketing him. That kid is capable of so much more, and if nurtured properly he will become the best version of himself someday.

I don't want to miss that opportunity. I don't want to lose that sunshine in my son's eyes because I chose to be selfish and prioritize my happiness before his own.

I try to command my tears to stop. Gusto ko kasing sabihin kay Gio ang lahat nang hindi humikhikbi, para maintidihan niya. Kasi kung saka-sakaling hindi, hindi ko kakayaning ulitin muli para sa kanya.

I fisted his shirt in my hands before I slowly glanced up, meeting his worried and dithery eyes. Kahit wala pa akong sinasabi, I am staring to hate myself.

"S-sam gave me an ultimatum, he's gonna take Clyde away from us." My voice was barely a whisper, even I had trouble hearing it.

I saw how Gio's face hardened. His worried face now sporting a dangerous look.

"Then we'll take this to court." He said authoritatively. "I don't fucking know what that son of a bitch wants but he's not messing on what we have. Not my woman and definitely not my son."

I cried harder. He was so caught up in his thinking that it took him some time to realize I wasn't agreeing.

Before he can even speak, I shook my head. "N-no." I choked out. His eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean, Lex?"

I untangled myself from him and looked away. God, I don't want to see him hurting.

Stonehearts 6: AlexandriteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon