Epilogue: Giovanni Slate

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I watched Lexy emerged from the back door holding another set of BBQs. Times like this, when she though I wasn't watching her, are one of my favorite parts of loving her. This is where I see all her carefree emotions and expressions.

I want to memorize it all. So, when I close my eyes, it's still her beauty I'll see.

I never told her, but I was thankful when she decided to resign from the company. I was wary of her next decisions, but never doubted her. When she told me, she's accumulated enough funds to put up her own business, I was thrilled.

However, I told her that if the big move will stress her and our baby, we might put a hold on it. She agreed and promised me that she'll never let anything jeopardize her health or our baby's.

She asked our friends for inputs, until the girls all decided to just make it a merger, like what the guys and I did. Lexy loved the idea and from there on it has been a success.

Now, they are one of the biggest suppliers of medical supplies in the country. Lexy explained that she chose this path because she also wanted to aid with the medical materials insufficiency of the clinics we had put up in the farthest and most remote areas in the country. We usually experienced hardships in replenishing our inventories there, but ever since our wives came into play, we didn't encounter any problems with regards to it again.

When it comes to our household, we're pretty much normal. Lexy insisted that she also wants to give her shares to our expenses, which I didn't try to fight again because I know she wouldn't budge this time and also because, hell, I am afraid of her. She does the budgeting, groceries, cleaning but sometimes we call in our cleaning lady when we get busy, if you know what I mean. She wanted a modest life and I'm all for it. Like I said before, I will support her all the way.

My wife has placed the other platter of food on the table in the middle of the circle we made. Each one of us is seated beside our wives, and damn, this is one of my favorite things when it comes to our monthly family dinner.

It was barbeque night and we were camped outside Gie and Levi's lawn. The kids were running around having fun while the others sat in a circle, completely sucked away from reality by their gadgets.

"You know, I never asked why Clyde is also named Jovanni. It's uncanny that it sounds much alike Gio's" Q curiously inquired, helping herself with another plate.

Lexy shrugged, before darting her eyes at me. "It means God is Gracious. Or I guess, I am really tied to him back then that even my subconscious was choosing him long before I even knew it."

My heart did one hell of a summersault before I felt it thumping hard against my chest. God, I am one lucky man for having her. She's all to me. And I will spend my everyday until my last day on earth to show her and our boys just that.

Gie let out an 'aww', "And here, I have my husband naming our children War, Peace, and Harmony."

"Baby, you really haven't let go of that up until now? Harry is about to turn three in a few months." Levi said all of that with a smile dancing on his face.

Gie just shook her head.

Kuya Cube, though, was fast into the conversation. "Bakit nga ba, Lev? Pinag-trip-pan mo ba mga anak mo?"

"Nagsalita nanaman itong basher na 'to. Ikaw nga puro Cyrus anak mo wala namang nangialam." Levi struck right back before taking another swig of his beer.

Ate Amy shook her head but chose to stay out of the repartee between the two. Besides, it will only take Ferris couple of seconds before he loses it.

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